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$6.8M gift to UNC-Chapel Hill School of Nursing from Helene Fuld Health Trust funds simulation center, scholarships to educate nurses

Shannon Smith named Carolina Nursing’s Director of Development

Kirby named Carolina Nursing’s associate dean for advancement

Belcher’s passion for nurse education comes through in new fund

SON honors donors and alumni award recipients at annual brunch

Lucy Taylor Fort Fund to support experiences in emergency nursing

Brown’s bequest will help Carolina nursing students be the best and brightest

Save the Date: GiveUNC is April 9!

Mobile Health Clinic Receives Additional Grant Funding

Gift Provides a “Stepping Stone” to Careers in Oncology Nursing

Poole Gift Will Help Nurses Develop Skills Needed to Lead at All Levels

Alumna Leaves Legacy for Graduate Education and Research

Ferris Bequest to Support Graduate Students Seeking Leadership Role

Ellison BSN ’95 Pledges $15,000 Matching Grant to SON on #GiveUNC Day

Hauser BSN ’88 Endows Scholarship, Supports Dean’s Fund

Waddell-Schultz’s lifelong giving breaks down financial barriers for today’s students

First Quality Establishes Bladder Health Initiative at UNCSON

UNCSON Receives Prestigious RWJF Future of Nursing Scholars Grant

Raynor Launches Campaign for Carolina Nursing with $1M Gift

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