Jennifer Alderman, PhD, MSN, RN, CNL, CNE, CHSE, NEA-BC
Clinical Professor & Interprofessional Education and Practice Director
School of Nursing
ITS Manning
211 Manning Dr
Office: 4612
Chapel Hill, NC 27599
Clinical Professor & Interprofessional Education and Practice Director
Dr. Jennifer Alderman is a Clinical Professor and Interprofessional Education and Practice (IPEP) Director at UNC Chapel Hill School of Nursing. Dr. Alderman has clinical expertise in women’s health. In nursing education, Dr. Alderman has expertise in simulation, reflective practice, quality and safety, leadership, and IPE.
Date | Honor |
May 2017 and 2022 | Faculty Excellence Award from graduating BSN class |
2022-2023 | Sigma Theta Tau International Experienced Academic Leadership Academy |
Aug 2021 | AACN Digital Learning Academy |
June 2021 | National League for Nursing Scholarly Writing Retreat |
May 2021 and
Aug 2024 |
Educational Support Award, from graduating BSN/ABSN class |
2020-2022 | Inaugural Anne Belcher IPE Scholar Award |
May 2019 | APPLES Service-Learning Grant ($5000 shared with School of Education) |
May 2019 | Innovate Carolina: Chancellor’s Eleventh Annual Faculty Entrepreneurship Workshop |
Aug. 2018 | Class of 1996 Academic Advising Award |
2018-2019 | UNCG John J. Rall Scholarship |
2017-2018 | National League for Nursing Foundation for Nursing Education Scholarship |
2017-2018 | Nurses’ Educational Funds Scholarship (NEF) |
2017-2018 | North Carolina League for Nursing Scholarship |
2017-2018 | UNCG John J. Rall Scholarship |
2016-2017 | UNCG Alumni Association Endowed Scholarship |
Dec 2015 | Junior Faculty Development Grant Award $7500 |
July 2015 | NCNA’s Eunice M. Smith Scholarship for doctoral study |
2011, 2013, 2016 | Special Appreciation Award from graduating classes |
May and July 2011, 2021 | Unsung Hero Award from graduating classes |
Books and Chapters
Alderman, J., & Kellish, A. (2024). Practicing together: Reflection in simulation-based
learning. In S. Horton-Deutsch & G. Sherwood (Eds.), Reflective practice: Reimagining
ourselves, reimagining nursing (3rd ed.). Indianapolis, IN: Sigma Theta Tau International.
Alderman, J. (2024). Evidence-based practice boxes. In D. Lowdermilk, S. Perry, K.
Cashion, K. Alden, & E. Olshansky (Eds.), Maternity and women’s health care (13th ed). St. Louis: Elsevier, Inc.
Alderman, J. (2024). Nursing care of the family during the postpartum period. In D.
Lowdermilk, S. Perry, K. Cashion, K. Alden, & E. Olshansky (Eds.), Maternity and women’s health care (13th ed.). St. Louis: Elsevier, Inc.
Alderman, J., & Sherwood, G. (2024). Nursing education and patient safety. In C. Oster & J.
Braaten (Eds.), The nexus of nursing and patient safety. New York: Springer Nature.
Alderman, J. (2022). Evidence-based practice boxes. In Lowdermilk, S. Perry, K.
Cashion, K. Alden, & E. Olshansky (Eds.), Maternal child nursing care (7th ed).
St. Louis: Elsevier, Inc.
Alderman, J., & Durham, C. (2022). Integrating quality and safety competencies in simulation.
In G. Sherwood & J. Barnsteiner (Eds.), Quality and safety in nursing: A competency
approach to improving outcomes (3rd ed.). Wiley, Inc.
Durham, C., & Alderman, J. (2021). Simulation and its value in promoting safe, quality patient
care. In P. Jeffries (Ed.), Clinical simulation in nursing: From conceptualization to
evaluation (3rd ed.). Washington, DC: National League for Nursing.
Alderman, J. (2020). Nursing care of the family during the postpartum period. In D.
Lowdermilk, S. Perry, K. Cashion, K. Alden, & E. Olshansky (Eds.), Maternity and women’s health care (12th ed., pp. 424-440). Elsevier, Inc.
Alderman, J. (2020). Evidence-based practice boxes. In Lowdermilk, S. Perry, K.
Cashion, K. Alden, & E. Olshansky (Eds.), Maternity and women’s health care (12th
ed). Elsevier, Inc.
Alderman, J. (2020). Study guide for maternity and women’s health care. D. Lowdermilk, S.
Perry, K. Cashion, K. Alden, & E. Olshansky (Eds.), Maternity and women’s health
care (12th ed.). St. Louis: Elsevier, Inc.
Alderman, J. (2020). Module 2: Quality and safety. North Carolina RN
Refresher Online Program. The Friday Center: Chapel Hill, NC.
Durham, C., & Alderman, J. (2015). Module 2: Quality and safety. North Carolina RN
Refresher Online Program. The Friday Center: Chapel Hill, NC.
Alderman, J. (2015). Nursing care of the family during the postpartum period. In D.
Lowdermilk, S. Perry, K. Cashion, K. Alden, & E. Olshansky (Eds.), Maternity and women’s health care (11th ed., pp. 481-501). Elsevier, Inc.
Refereed Papers/Articles
Alderman, J., Frederick, H., Maes, K., & Zomorodi, M. (2023). Developing and teaching an
interprofessional service-learning undergraduate course for pre-health and human
services students. Journal of Interprofessional Education and Practice, 33
Alderman, J. (2023). Using a leadership toolkit to teach essential competencies. Nurse
Educator [Teaching Tips]. 10.1097/NNE.0000000000001374
Alderman, Jennifer T., & Conklin, J. (2022). Health care hotspotting: A scoping review.
Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 37(4), 362-367.
Alderman, Jennifer T. (2022). Hotspotting in home health: The impact of interprofessional
student-team home visits on readmission rates of super-utilizers of the health care
system. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 36(6), 839-844.
Bryant, A. L., Van Den Eynde, M., Grewe, M. E., Alderman, J. T., Zomorodi, M., & Durham,
clinicians’ perceptions of team rounding. Journal of Interprofessional Care, doi:
Alderman, J. T., Zerden. L., & Zomorodi, M. (2020). A mixed methods analysis of student
attitudes in a graduate interprofessional population health course. Health,
Interprofessional Practice, and Education.
Alderman, J. T. (2012). Using simulation to teach nursing students and licensed clinicians
obstetric emergencies. MCN: The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing, 37(6),
Refereed Presentations
King, O., & Alderman, J. Recognizing and treating amniotic fluid embolism: An educational
intervention. [Poster Presentation] AWHONN National Conference 2024, Phoenix, AZ.
Alderman, J., Zomorodi, M., Schmidt, J., & Aliaga, S. (2024). Better together: Using
simulation to create an engaging IPE curriculum. [Poster Presentation] INACSL
International Conference 2024, Raleigh, NC.
Thompson, N., Alderman, J., Barroso, S., & Durham, C. Experiential learning and reflective
practice increase clinical reasoning and judgment in undergraduate nursing education.
[Podium Presentation] AACN Transform 2023, Lake Buena Vista, FL.
Alderman, J. Aliaga, S., Colianni, B., Hinson, J. Durham, C., Forcina, J., & Storrie, M. Peak
performance interprofessional simulation. (2023, September 18). [Lightning Talk] Nexus Virtual Summit.
Alderman, J., Aliaga, S., Hinson, J., & Zomorodi, M. Safety in health care should start with
psychological safety: A relational approach to establishing teamwork. (2023, September 27). [Seminar Presentation] Nexus Virtual Summit.
Alderman, J. (2023, April 27). Experienced academic leadership academy presentation. Nurse
Leaders Virtual Summit. Sigma Theta Tau International, Inc.
Durham, C., Alderman, J., Barroso, S., & Page, J. (2022). A novel approach to
developing clinical judgment for practice-ready nurses. [Concurrent Podium
Presentation] International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning [INACSL] International Conference, Milwaukee, WI.
Durham, C., Alderman, J., Storrie, M. (2022). Innovative PEAK performance simulation to
develop leaders’ interpersonal skills and communication. [Concurrent Podium Presentation] International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning [INACSL] International Conference, Milwaukee, WI.
Alderman, J., Durham, C., Barroso, S., & Page, J. (2022, June 2). Using virtual simulation to
improve clinical judgment of pre-licensure nursing students. [Concurrent Podium
Presentation] Quality and Safety Education for Nurses [QSEN] International Conference, Denver, CO.
Alderman, J., Durham, C., & Storrie, M. (2022, June 2). Enhancing patient safety through a
simulation focused on improving communication and self-awareness. [Concurrent Podium Presentation] Quality and Safety Education for Nurses [QSEN] International Conference, Denver, CO.
Alderman, J., & Bowman, N. (2021). Using simulation to teach postpartum hemorrhage
management. International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and
Learning on-demand webinar.
Mittal, M., Alderman, J., & Kitzmiller, R. (2021). Integrating digital fluency skills to engage
and empower graduate-level nursing students in a hybrid course. Online Learning
Consortium: Innovate.
Alderman, J. T., & Zomorodi, M. (2021). An academic-practice partnership: The impact of
interprofessional student-team home visits on patient outcomes. [Concurrent Podium
Presentation]. QSEN International Conference, Philadelphia, PA. [Moved from 2020 due
to Covid-19]
Alderman, J., Mittal, M., & Kitzmiller, R. (2021). Incorporating digital literacy into a
graduate quality improvement course. [Poster Presentation]. QSEN International
Virtual Conference. [Moved from 2020 due to Covid-19]
Frederick, H., Alderman, J., Cooper, N., & Dorcelin, J. (2020). Virtual symposium: Health
professionals for equity in health and healthcare. Presented by the College of Health
and Human Sciences, Faith Communities in Guilford, Rockingham, and Alamance
Counties, partners at Cone Health, and NC Action Coalition. Virtual Webinar.
Davis, S., Alderman, J., & Zimmerman, C. (2020). Holistic admission: What nurse leaders
need to know. [Virtual Poster Presentation]. Association for Leadership Science in
Nursing (ALSN) Conference, Chapel Hill, NC.
Durham, C., Alderman, J., Joyner, B., Kellish, A., Aliaga, S., Smithson, S., & Conklin, J. (2020, June 24). Better together: Simulation enhanced interprofessional education [Pre-
Conference Workshop]. International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and
Learning Conference, Raleigh, NC. [Canceled due to Covid-19]
Durham, C., & Alderman, J. (2020). Impact of Friday Night at the ERÔ, a tabletop
simulation, on systems thinking and learning. International Nursing Association for
Clinical Simulation and Learning Virtual Conference.
Alderman, J. T., & Zomorodi, M. (2020). An academic-practice partnership: The impact of
interprofessional student-team home visits on patient outcomes. [Concurrent Podium
Presentation]. QSEN International Conference, Philadelphia, PA. [Canceled due to
Alderman, J. T. (2020). Using the PAAIL debriefing method to give feedback. [Podium
Presentation]. Excellence in Nursing Leadership Conference. The William and Ida
Friday Center, Chapel Hill, NC. [Canceled due to Covid-19]
Alderman, J. T., Valcheff, K., Kabler, J., Blomberg, B., Weil, A., & Stewart, L.
(2020, January 24). Improving patient outcomes through an academic-rural community
partnership: A case study. [Podium Presentation]. Connect, Engage, Transform: Rural
Community Partnerships Conference, Chapel Hill, NC.
Alderman, J., & Zomorodi, M. (2020). Hotspotting in home health: The impact of
interprofessional student-team home visits on health outcomes of super-utilizers of the
health care system [Podium presentation], Nursing Education Research Conference,
Washington, DC. [Canceled due to Covid-19]
Davis, S., & Alderman, J. (2020). Examining strategies to promote success on the NCLEX-RN
exam [Podium presentation], Nursing Education Research Conference, Washington, DC. [Canceled due to Covid-19]
Alderman, J. T., Zomorodi, M., & Zerden, L. (2019, September 26-28). A mixed methods
analysis of student attitudes in a graduate interprofessional population health
management course [Poster presentation]. National League for Nursing Education
Summit, National Harbor, MD.
Alderman, J. T., Frederick, H., & Zomorodi, M. (2019, May 29-31). Exploring social
determinants of health through stories and across populations [Poster presentation].
QSEN International Conference, Cleveland, OH.
Alderman, J. T. (2018, May 30). Learning to lead: An innovative teaching strategy preparing
pre-licensure nursing students to be leaders as new graduate nurses [Poster
presentation]. QSEN International Conference, Bonita Springs, FL.
Alderman, J. T., Kitzmiller, R., & Zomorodi, M. (2018, May 30). An intraprofessional
simulation examining pre-licensure and graduate nursing students’ perceptions about
joining an existing team [Poster presentation]. QSEN International Conference, Bonita
Springs, FL.
Alden, K., Coloumbe, B., & Alderman, J. (2017, September 22). You scratch my back, I’ll
scratch yours: Reciprocal intraprofessional collaboration for OB simulation [Poster
presentation]. Virtual Simulation in Nursing Education Conference, Chapel Hill, NC.
Hill, J., & Alderman, J. T. (May 30, 2017). Using QSENs KSAs in a graduate course aimed at
improving quality, safety, and outcomes in healthcare systems [Poster presentation].
QSEN International Conference, Chicago, IL.
Blasius, K., Joyner, B., Alderman, J., Durham, C., Kellish, A., & Scolaro, K. (January 29,
2017). The heart of the matter: Improving collaboration and communication through
interprofessional education [Podium presentation]. IMSH, Society for Simulation in Healthcare, Orlando, FL.
Joyner, B., Durham, C., Scolaro, K., Kihlstrom, M., & Alderman, J. (January 16, 2016). What?
So What? Now What? Examining interprofessional education in a new light [Podium presentation] International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH), Society for Simulation in Healthcare, San Diego, CA.
Alden, K., Alderman, J., Priest, L., & Timlin, S. (2015, September). Impact of perinatal loss
on obstetric nurses. 22nd Annual Perinatal Conference: Celebrating Birth in the
Carolinas [Poster presentation]. Concord, NC.
Alden, K., Coloumbe, B., & Alderman, J. (2013, June). You scratch my back, I’ll
scratch yours: Reciprocal intraprofessional collaboration for OB simulation [Poster
presentation] AWHONN National Conference, Nashville, TN.
Alderman, J. & Alden, K. (2013, March). Intraprofessional collaboration for OB simulation
training for obstetric emergencies. [Poster Presentation] Annual Maternity Care
Conference hosted by the Center for Lifelong Learning at UNC-Chapel Hill Chapel Hill,
Invited presentations
Alderman, Jennifer. (2023, October 17). Next Generation NCLEX. NC AHEC Refresher
Alderman, Jennifer. (2023, 2022). Story of self: Interprofessional education. Day 6 of
Relational Leadership @Carolina presentation.
Alderman, Jennifer T. (2022, January). Developing and implementing IPE opportunities in a
community setting: Hotspotting in home health. Invest in Nursing Panel Presentation, Chapel Hill, NC.
Alderman, Jennifer T. (2022, April-October). Host of Inaugural Season 1: Let’s Talk Sim
Podcast for INACSL. [Series of six episodes]. Topics included: Impact of virtual learning on simulation and nursing education, role of virtual reality in simulation, DEI in health care simulation, overcoming incivility in nursing and health care simulation,
interprofessional education and health care simulation in rural settings, sustainability in
health care simulation.
Alexander, R., Grant, E., & Alderman, J. (2020, November). United We Stand presents: Crucial
conversations. UNC School of Nursing, Chapel Hill, NC.
Alderman, J. (2013-2023, October). Career development seminar. Get Hired Series, Sponsored
by the UNC-CH SON Student Governance Council.
Alderman, J.T., & Mittal, M. (2019, November). How to create a community and engage
students (online) using forums and other tools. Center for Lifelong Learning, Chapel
Hill, NC.
Alderman, J. T., et al. (2019, May). Clinical teaching panel discussion and simulation
demonstration. Excellence in Teaching for Nurse Educators. Center for Lifelong
Learning, Chapel Hill, NC.
Alderman, J., Blasius, K., & Kimmel, M. (2018, October 26). Interprofessional education.
Podium presentation at the Nurse Educator Update: Center for Lifelong Learning Conference, Chapel Hill, NC.
Alderman, J. (2018, June 8). Certification in Healthcare Simulation Education (CHSE)
seminar. Duke University School of Nursing. Durham, NC.
Alderman, J. T., et al. (2018, May). Clinical teaching panel discussion and simulation
demonstration. Excellence in Teaching for Nurse Educators. Center for Lifelong
Learning, Chapel Hill, NC.
Durham, C., Nance-Floyd, B. Palmer, C., Sherwood, G., Alderman, J., & Zomorodi, M.
(February 13, 2017). Using IPE to revolutionize curriculum. Center for Lifelong
Learning. Chapel Hill, NC.
Alderman, J. T., et al. (May 18, 2016). Teaching quality and safety through labs and
simulation. Center for Lifelong Learning, Chapel Hill, NC.
Alderman, J. T., et al. (2015, May). Excellence in Teaching for Nurse Educators. Center for
Lifelong Learning, Chapel Hill, NC.
Alderman, J. (2014, June). Quality and safety institute. Center for Lifelong Learning, Chapel
Hill, NC
Alderman, J. (2014, 2013). Using simulation-based education to make patient safety
connections. Excellence in Teaching for Nurse Educators. Center for Lifelong Learning, Chapel Hill, NC.
Alderman, J. (2014, January). Simulation in academic and clinical settings. Podium presentation. Association of Women’s Health Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses. Local
Chapter. Durham, NC.
Alderman, J. (2013, May). Interprofessional approaches to quality and safety. Faculty
development pre-conference. Center for Lifelong Learning, Chapel Hill, NC.
Alderman, J. (2013, February). Service excellence. Dedicated Education Unit Seminar Series,
Rex Healthcare, Raleigh, NC.
Role/Title | Title | Total Direct Amount | Agency | Dates |
Consultant: (Simulation Expertise) | Closing the Gaps: Strengthening Nursing Education through Partnerships to Improve Care for Underserved and
Rural Communities |
1.2 million | HRSA
September 2023-present |
Parents, spouses, and other family members play a central role in determining an individual’s health. At Carolina Nursing, we’re committed to improving the health of women, children and families using family-focused interventions.
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Using the latest in simulation-based educational experiences, data-driven practice and workforce research, we are empowering nurses to deliver the best care to their patients.
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