Margaret J. Carman, DNP, RN, ACNP-BC, ENP-BC, FAEN


The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
School of Nursing
CB #7460
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7460

Dr. Carman focuses her scholarship, research, and advocacy to promote advanced practice nursing in the emergency care setting. Clinical interests include ongoing evolution of the role of emergency nurse practitioners as well as clinical excellence in emergency care. Dr. Carman helped to develop the new Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner post-graduate certificate program at UNC, which utilized virtual simulation to complement clinical experiences.


Dr. Carman has taught in nursing for twelve years with a focus on acute care nurse practitioner training and distance-based simulation. Her clinical background is in the specialty of emergency care with a focus on neurocritical care, trauma, and palliative or end of life management. In her role of Director of Advanced Nursing Practice at the Emergency Nurses Association, she led efforts to address gaps in the Consensus Model for APRN regulation and currently serves as a voting member on the LACE Network.  

Available for presentations: I am happy to talk about any of the topics listed above, and can develop more specialized programs within any of these categories: 

  • Procedural skills for emergency/acute care
  • Trauma 
  • Critical Care 
  • Professional Role and Leadership at the graduate level (APRN regulation, scope of practice, selection of graduate academic programs)