Building the Future of Nursing

Our campaign to build a new home for Carolina Nursing.

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At no time in history has the need to support the UNC School of Nursing been more urgent. As we face new and unprecedented global health crises, as our population ages, and as our health care workforce diminishes, nurses are becoming ever more central to the health and wellbeing of those in our communities.

As a leading provider of bedside nurses and nurse practitioners, educators, researchers and leaders devoted to public health and access, the UNC School of Nursing is uniquely positioned to serve the front lines of the most pressing health care challenges we face today.

Our critical barrier to further action? Resources.

More Nurses for North Carolinians

Our state and our country are in critical need of more highly skilled nurses in the workforce. It is estimated that by 2033 there will be a shortfall of 12,500 nurses throughout North Carolina alone. This shortage will continue to challenge the ability of our health care systems to provide the proactive and personalized care that every patient deserves.

Predicted shortage of registered nurses in N.C. by 2033
Predicted shortage of nurse educators in N.C. by 2033

Carolina Nursing wants to help address this need but faces frustrating physical limitations to doing so, including the size, condition, and outdated technology of its current facilities. To meet the projected demand for nurses by graduating more new nurses, Carolina Nursing is in the design phase of a new Nursing Education Building.

A New Home For Carolina Nursing

A new home for Carolina Nursing provides at once a thrilling opportunity and a weighty responsibility: to design a building that not only represents, but fosters, the quality and reputation of the program it houses.

This world-class facility will increase the school’s overall space by 20,000 square feet and provide a modern structure complete with the latest technologies to better prepare students.

The new building will enable an increase in class size each year, which means more Carolina Nurses entering the workforce each year to provide quality, compassionate care on the frontlines of our health care systems.