Cromeens and Others Receive Hillman Scholars Awards

SON PhD student Martha Cromeens is a recipient of the Fall 2019 Hillman Small Grant Fellowship, intended to support her current research, “Latina women’s experiences with endometriosis diagnosis: A qualitative inquiry”.

“Her work is so strong, and this funding will allow her to expand the vision of her work,” Dr. Cheryl Jones says of Martha’s research.

The other award goes to a Hillman Scholar “Mentoring Tree”, a unique Scholar co-created feature of UNC-CH’s Hillman Scholars Program. Under the advisement of Drs. Cheryl Giscombe and Shielda Rogers, PhD students Gillian Adynski, Ebahi Ikharo, Lilian Bravo, Grisma Emmanuel, and Alasia Ledford received the award to support their work on “Barriers and Facilitators to Recruitment and Retention of Underrepresented Individuals” in the nursing field. Mentoring Trees are designed to provide scholar support, build scholar relationships, provide mentoring and learning opportunities, and help Scholars gain collaboration and team skills that will serve them throughout their careers.

Congratulations, all!