NCNA Honors Carolina Alums and Faculty

During their annual convention, the North Carolina Nurses Association (NCNA) presented awards and scholarships to more than two dozen nurses throughout the state. Several alums and faculty of the SON were among the recipients.

Dean Emerita Cynthia Freund, MSN ’73, along with Associate Dean Emerita Audrey Booth, MSN ’57 were inducted in the NCNA Hall of Fame. The Hall of Fame is the pinnacle of recognition for registered nurses who have an extensive history of nursing leadership and achievements in North Carolina.

One alumna was presented with Nurse of the Year awards. Schquthia Peacock, BSN ’92, MSN ’99 received Practice Nurse of the Year.

SON alum Ann Marie Lee Walton, BSN ’03, was one of three nurses who were granted a Mary Lewis Wyche Fellowship. The fellowship is awarded to registered nurses who have decided to pursue a master’s or doctoral degree in education, practice, or administration on a full-time basis.

Clinical associate professor Tom Bush was one of nine nurses to receive the Eunice M. Smith Scholarship. The scholarship supports registered nurses who have decided to pursue additional education on a part-time basis. Mr. Bush also received a matching scholarship from the American Nurses Foundation. He is currently working on his DNP degree.

Most of the 2014 honorees were recognized during an awards luncheon held at the NCNA annual meeting, held this year in Raleigh, NC.