Pat Gingrich Published in Nursing Education Perspective

Assistant Professor Pat Gingrich had her article “Improving Student Receptivity to Abortion Care Education” published in Nursing Education Perspectives in December.


Letting nursing students develop resilience in the presence of moral complexity improves compassionate patient care for women contemplating abortion. Nursing education needs to include quality materials on abortion care in order to create educated providers and citizens. Some students are resistant or conflicted about this topic. A preclass optional, anonymous survey allows students the opportunity to voice concerns about this sensitive topic and guides the instructor in designing class materials. Resulting classroom dialogue is less heated and more collegial, enabling students to examine and process this complex professional practice issue and practice navigating ethical dilemmas.

Gingrich, P. M. (2017). Improving student receptivity to abortion care education, Nursing Education Perspectives, 38 (6), 350-351. doi: 10.1097/01.NEP.0000000000000175.

Well done, Assistant Professor Gingrich!