SON students kick off inaugural Pink Heels event for breast cancer research

UNC Association of Nursing Students (ANS) donated $500.00 to the Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center to kick off the inaugural Pink Heels event to raise awareness and funds for breast cancer research. UNC ANS plan to hold the Pink Heels event every October to continue to raise awareness and funds to donate to breast cancer research every year.

A $500.00 donation check was presented to Elizabeth Rubio, UNC Lineberger Director of Special Events and Community Partnerships.

ANS members are committed to focusing on equitable access to care, particularly for black women who have been disproportionately affected by breast cancer. “Although they have a similar risk of developing breast cancer, Black women are 42% more likely than white women to die from the disease. Among women younger than 45, the mortality rate for black women is more than double that of white women” (Troester & Emerson, 2020). ANS members will be selecting a particular Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center research initiative while focusing on equality in a clinical trials initiative for donation to each year.

ANS members are excited to collaborate with Lineberger and are dedicated to upholding the Carolina Nursing promise of promoting the nursing profession for the greater good while serving our neighbors in need!