Stolldorf, D.P., Mion, L.C., Jones CB. (In press). A survey of hospitals that participated in a statewide collaborative to implement and sustain rapid response teams. Journal of Healthcare Quality. (Senior author/former PhD student dissertation chair)
Stolldorf, D.P., Jones, C.B., Havens, D.S. (In press). Sustaining innovations in complex healthcare environments: A multiple-case study of rapid response teams. Journal of Patient Safety. (Senior author/former PhD student dissertation chair)
McGillis Hall, L., Jones, C.B., Lalonde, M., Strudwick, G., and McDonald, B. (2015). Not very welcoming: A survey of internationally educated nurses employed in Canada. Journal of Nursing and Health Care, 2 (2), 60-65.
Stolldorf, D.P., Jones, C.B. (2015). The deployment of rapid response teams in U.S. hospitals. Under review by The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety, 41(4), 186-192. (Senior author/former PhD student dissertation chair)
Smith-Miller, C., Shaw-Kokot, J., Curro, B., & Jones, C.B. (2014). An integrative review: Fatigue among nurses in acute care settings. Journal of Nursing Administration, 44(4), 487-494. (Senior author to UNC-H project team)
Cho, S.H., Lee, J.Y., Mark, B.A., & Jones, C.B. (2014). Geographic mobility of Korean new graduate nurses from their first to subsequent jobs and metropolitan-nonmetropolitan differences in job satisfaction. Nursing Outlook, 62(1), 22-28. (Contributed to explication of theoretical aspects of study, interpretation of analyses, critical reviews of manuscript)
Hall, L.M., Gates, M., Peterson, J., Jones, C.B., & Pink, G.H. (2014). Waiting and watching: Nurse migration trends prior to a change to the NCLEX as entry-to-practice for Canada’s nurses. Nursing Outlook, 62(1), 53-58. (Research team member, engaged in study conceptualization, writing of manuscript, interpretation of analyses, critical reviews of manuscript)
Masselink, L.E., Jones, C.B. (2014). Immigration policy and internationally educated nurses in the United States: A brief history. Nursing Outlook, 62, 1, 39-45. (Senior author)
Spetz, J., Gates, M., & Jones, C.B. (2014). Internationally-educated nurses in the United States: Their origins and roles. Nursing Outlook, 62(1), 8-15. (Contributed to writing/explanation of theoretical aspects of study, data analysis, interpretation of findings, critical reviews of manuscript)
Jones, C.B. & Sherwood, G. (2014). The globalization of the nursing workforce: Pulling the pieces together.
Nursing Outlook, 62(1), 59-64. (Lead author and contributor)
Li, Y., Jones, C.B. (2013). A literature review of nursing turnover costs. Journal of Nursing Management, 21(3), 405-418. (Faculty mentor/senior author)
Cho, S.H., Masselink, L.E., Jones, C.B., Mark, B.A. (2011). Internationally educated nurse hiring: Geographic distribution, community and hospital characteristics. Nursing Economic$, 29(6), 308-316. (Contributed to explication of theoretical aspects, interpretation of analyses, critical reviews of manuscript)
Williams, D., Newman, A., Jones, C.B., & Woodard, B. (2011). Nurses’ perceptions of how Rapid Response Teams affect the Nurse, the Team, and the System. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 26(3), 265-272. (Faculty mentor/senior author)
Jones, C.B. (2010). Reflections on nursing health services research: Where the idealism of research meets the realities of practice. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 42(3), 13–21.
Park, M., & Jones, C.B. (2010). A retention strategy for newly graduated nurses: An integrative review of orientation programs. Journal for Nurses in Staff Development, 26( 4), 142–149. (Faculty mentor/senior author)
Patterson, P.D., Jones, C.B., Hubble, M.W., Carr, M., Weaver, M.D., Engberg, J., & Castle, N. (2010).
Longitudinal study of turnover and its costs in emergency medical services. Prehospital Emergency Care, 14(2), 209–221. (Research team member, study conceptualization, contributed to writing/explanation of theoretical aspects of study, data analysis, interpretation of findings, critical reviews of manuscript)
Hall, L.M., L., Pink, G., Jones, C.B., & Leatt, P., Gates, M. Pink, L., Peterson, J., & Seto, L. (2009). Gone south: Why Canadian nurses migrate to the United States. Healthcare Policy, 4(4), 91-106. (Research team member, contributed to the writing and explanation of theoretical aspects of study, data analysis, interpretation of findings, critical reviews of manuscript)
Hall, L.M., Pink, G., Jones, C.B., & Leatt, P., Gates, M., & Peterson, J. (2009). Is the grass any greener?
Canada to United States of America nurse migration. International Nursing Review, 56(2), 198-205. (Research team member, contributed to writing and explanation of theoretical aspects of study, data analysis, interpretation of findings, critical reviews of manuscript)
Jones, C.B., Mayer, C., & Mandelkehr, L.K. (2009). Innovations at the intersection of academia and practice: Educating graduate nursing students about quality improvement and patient safety. Quality Management in Health Care, 18(3), 158-164.
Jones, C.B., Havens, D.S., & Thompson, P.A. (2009). Chief nursing officer turnover and the crisis brewing: Views from the front line. Journal of Nursing Administration, 39(6), 1-8.
Mark, B.A., Jones, C.B., Lindley, L., & Ozcan, Y. (2009). An examination of technical efficiency, quality, and patient safety in acute care nursing units. Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice, 10(3), 180-186. (Research team member, contributed to writing and explanation of theoretical aspects of study, data analysis, interpretation of findings, critical reviews of manuscript)
Mark, B.A., Lindley, L., & Jones, C.B. (2009). Nurse working conditions and nursing unit costs. Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice, 10(2), 120-128. (Research team member, contributed to writing and explanation of data analysis, interpretation of findings, critical reviews of manuscript)
Roszell, S., Jones, C.B., & Lynn, M.R. (2008). Call bell requests, call bell response time, and patient satisfaction. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 24(1), 69-75. (Faculty advisor/mentor)
Havens, D.S., Thompson, P.A., & Jones, C.B. (2008). Chief nursing officer turnover: Chief nursing officers and healthcare recruiters tell their stories. Journal of Nursing Administration, 38(12), 516-525. (Research team member, contributed to conceptualization and write-up of study findings, interpretation of data analysis, critical reviews of manuscript)
Jones, C.B., Havens, D.S., & Thompson, P.A. (2008). Chief nursing officer retention and turnover: A crisis brewing? Results of a national survey. Journal of Healthcare Management, 53(2), 89-105.
Mark, B.A., Hughes, L.C., Belyea, M., Bacon, C.T., Chang, Y.K., Jones, C.B. (2008). Exploring organizational context and structure as predictors of medication errors and patient falls. Journal of Patient Safety, 4(2), 66-77. (Research team member, contributed to study design, interpretation of findings, critical reviews of manuscript)
Jones, C.B. (2008). Revisiting nurse turnover costs: Adjusting for inflation. Journal of Nursing Administration, 38(1), 11-18.
Jones, C.B., & Gates, M. (2007). The costs and benefits of nurse turnover: A business case for nurse retention.
Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 12(3), manuscript 4. Retrieved Dec. 28, 2009 at ontents/Volume122007/No3Sept07/NurseRetention.aspx.
Mark, B.A., Hughes, L.C., Belyea, M., Chang, Y., Hofmann, D., Jones, C.B., & Bacon, C.T. (2007). Does safety climate moderate the influence of staffing adequacy and work conditions on nurse injuries? Journal of Safety Research, 38, 431-446. (Research team member, contributed to study design, interpretation of findings, critical reviews of manuscript)
Boyington, A.R., Jones, C.B., & Wilson, D.L. (2006). Buried alive: The presence of nursing on hospital websites. Nursing Research, 55(2), 103-109. (Faculty committee member/contributed to study design and conceptualization, interpretation of findings, critical reviews of manuscript)
Jones, C.B., & Mark, B.A. (2005). The intersection of nursing and health services research: Overview of an agenda-setting conference. Nursing Outlook, Special Issue, 53(6), 270-273.
Jones, C.B., & Mark, B.A. (2005). The intersection of nursing and health services research: An agenda to guide future research. Nursing Outlook, Special Issue, 53(6), 324-333.
Jones, C.B. (2005). Nurse turnover: Why it is such a tough problem to solve. Nurse Leader: From Management to Leadership, 3(3), 43-47.
Savitz, L., Jones, C.B., & Bernard, S. (2005). Quality indicators associated with nurse staffing in acute care settings. Advances in Patient Safety: From Research to Implementation, 4, 375-385. AHRQ Publication Nos. 050021. Rockville MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Available at (Research team member, contributed to study design and conceptualization, interpretation of findings, critical reviews of manuscript)
Jones, C.B. (2005). The costs of nursing turnover, part 2: Application of the Nursing Turnover Cost Calculation Methodology. Journal of Nursing Administration, 35(1), 41-49.
Jones, C.B. (2004).The costs of nursing turnover, part 1: An economic perspective. Journal of Nursing Administration, 34(12), 562-570.
Jones, C.B., & Gates, M. (2004). Gender-based wage differentials in a predominantly female profession: Observations from nursing. Economics of Education Review, 23, 615-631.
Collins, B.A., Hubbard, H., & Jones, C.B. (2004). Evidence-based resources for nurses: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Nursing Outlook, 52(4), 215-217. (Contributed as team member, writing and conceptualization of manuscript, analysis of organization resources, critical reviews of manuscript)
Mark, B.A., Hughes, L.C., & Jones, C.B. (2004). The role of theory in improving patient safety and quality health care. Nursing Outlook, 52(1), 11-16. (Contributed as team member, conceptual aspects of manuscript, analysis of content presented, critical reviews of manuscript)
Roberts, B.J., Jones, C., & Lynn, M. (2004). Job satisfaction of new baccalaureate nurses. Journal of Nursing Administration, 34(9), 428-435. (Faculty advisor/mentor)
Stone, P.W., Tourangeau, A.E., Duffield, C.M., Hughes, F., Jones, C.B., O’Brien-Pallas, L., Shamian, J. (2003). Evidence of nurse working conditions: A global perspective. Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice, 4(2), 120-130. (Contributed as team member, writing and conceptualization of manuscript, analysis and review of the literature, critical reviews of manuscript)
Jones, C.B., & Lusk, S.L. (2002). Incorporating health services research into nursing doctoral programs. Nursing Outlook, 50(6), 225-231.
Kovner, C.T., Jones, C.B., Zahn, C., Gergen, P., Basu, J. (2002). Nurse staffing and post surgical adverse events: An analysis of administrative data from a sample of U.S. hospitals, 1990-1996. Health Services Research, 37(3), 611-629. (Research team member, contributed to study conceptualization, writing of manuscript, interpretation of analyses, critical reviews of manuscript)
Moody, L.E., Small, B.J., & Jones, C.B. (2002). Advance directives preferences of functionally and cognitively impaired nursing home residents in the United States. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 21(1), 103-118. (Research team member, contributed to study conceptualization, writing of manuscript, interpretation of analyses, critical reviews of manuscript)
Kovner, C.T., Jones, C.B., & Gergen, P.J. (2000). Nurse staffing in acute care hospitals, 1990 to 1996. Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice, 1(3), 194-204. (Research team member, study conceptualization, writing of manuscript, interpretation of analyses, critical reviews of manuscript)
Jones, C.B., Tulman, L., & Clancy, C.M. (1999). Research funding opportunities at the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research. Nursing Outlook, 47(4), 156-161.
McCormick, K., & Jones, C.B. (Sept 30, 1998). Is one taxonomy needed for health care vocabularies and classifications? Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 7. Available at: (Contributed to manuscript conceptualization, writing, interpretation and analysis, critical reviews of manuscript)
Botelho, A., Jones, C.B., & Kiker, B.F. (1998). Nursing wages and educational credentials: The role of work experience and selectivity bias. Economics of Education Review, 17(3), 297-306. (Research team member, study conceptualization, interpretation of analyses, critical reviews of manuscript)
Leveck, M.L., & Jones, C.B. (1996). The nursing practice environment, staff retention, and quality of care.
Research in Nursing & Health, 19(3), 331-343. (Research team member, contributed to study conceptualization, writing of manuscript, interpretation of analyses, critical reviews of manuscript)
Jones, C.B. (1996). Registered nurse turnover and the changing health care system. Nursing Connections, 9(1), 35-48.
Jones, C.B. (1996). Aligning patients’ and nurses’ self-interests. Nursing Policy Forum, 2(2), 23.
Sherman, J.J., & Jones, C.B. (1995). The bottom line: Determining costs to allocate nursing resources. Nursing Policy Forum, 1(4), 14-17, 39-40. (Research team member, study conceptualization, interpretation of analyses, critical reviews of manuscript)
Mason, W.H., Mason, R.M., & Jones, C.B. (1995). Solution oriented management, an alternative approach for nursing administration. Nursing Management, 26(8), 74-76. (Faculty advisor/mentor)
Jones, C.B., Stasiowski, S., Simons, B.J., Boyd, J., and Lucas, M. (1993). Shared governance and the nursing practice environment. Nursing Economics, 11(4), 208-214.
Jones, C.B., & Reimels, E.M. (1993). A closer look at nurse retention. Journal of Nursing Administration, 23(6), 6.
Jones, C.B., & Alexander, J.W. (1993). The technology of caring: A synthesis of technology and caring for nursing administration. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 17(2), 11-20.
Jones, C.B. (1992). Calculating and updating nursing turnover costs. Nursing Economics, 10(1), 39-45, 78.
Jones, C.B. (1990). Staff nurse turnover costs: Part II, measurement and results. Journal of Nursing Administration, 20(5), 27-32.
Jones, C.B. (1990). Staff nurse turnover costs: Part I, a conceptual model. Journal of Nursing Administration, 20(4), 18-22.
Under Review
Stolldorf, D.P., Mion, L.C., Jones, C.B. Survey of the sustainability of rapid response teams: Are we there yet?
Under review by Journal of Health Care Quality. (Senior advisor/faculty)
Fraher, E.P., Jones, C.B. (2011). North Carolina’s nursing workforce: Planning today for a reformed tomorrow. Invited Commentary, North Carolina Medical Journal, 72(4), 320-323. (Manuscript conceptualization, interpretation and analysis, critical reviews of manuscript)
Bowman, C., & Gardner, D. (2001). Building health services research capacity in nursing, views from nursing’s leadership: Interviews with Bednash, Jones, Moody, & Wakefield. Nursing Outlook, 49(4), 187-92. (Interviewed based on my views from a federal health services research agency)
Jones, C.B. (Dec. 31, 2000). Letter to the editor: A nursing shortage? Yes, and the outlook is for fewer nurses in the years ahead. The News and Observer (Raleigh, NC), p. 22A.
Jones, C.B. (1999 – 2002). Invited monthly edited research column: Research Briefs. In L. Curtin (Ed.),
CurtinCalls (renamed, Journal of Clinical Systems Management).
Moody, L.E., & Jones, C.B. (1999). Update from the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research: Strategies for successful grant applications. Invited column, Southern Connections: The Newsletter of the Southern Nursing Research Society, 12(2).
Jones, C.B. (1992). Calculating nursing turnover costs. Invited paper for Recruitment and Retention Report, 5(9), 5-8.
Jones, C.B., & Reimels, E.M. (1991). Nurse retention in South Carolina: The status, the need. South Carolina Nurse, Fall 1991.
Jones, C.B., Finkler S.A., Kovner C.T., & Mose, J. (In progress). Financial management for nurse managers and executives (5th Ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders Elsevier. (Book co-author, responsible for writing/overseeing ~ 50% of book)
Finkler S.A., Jones, C.B., & Kovner C.T. (2013). Financial management for nurse managers and executives
(4th Ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders Elsevier. (Book co-author, responsible for writing ~ 35% of book)
Finkler S.A., Kovner C.T., & Jones, C.B. (2007). Financial management for nurse managers and executives
(3rd Ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders Elsevier.
Book Chapters
Jones, C.B., & Phillips, R.L. (Invited, in process). Makeup and Talents of the Health Workforce Today. In T. Hoff, K. Sutcliffe, & G. Young (Eds.), The healthcare professional workforce: New directions in theory and practice. New York: Oxford University Press. Expected publication date: Early 2016. (Contributing as interprofessional team member, writing and conceptualization of manuscript, analysis and review of literature, critical reviews of manuscript)
Sherwood, G., & Jones, C.B. (2011). Quality Improvement in Nursing. In W. Sollecito, & J. Johnson (Eds.), Continuous quality improvement in health care (4th ed., 485-511). Sudbury MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. (Contributed as team member, writing and conceptualization of manuscript, analysis and review of literature, critical reviews of manuscript)
Jones, C.B. (2011). Health care systems. Invited entry in Feldman, H.R., et al., Encyclopedia of nursing leadership, 2nd Edition. (pp. 3-5). New York: Springer Publishing.
Jones, C.B., & Pink, G.H. (2008). Nurse Workload, Staffing and Measurement. Invited chapter in Fried, B., Fottler, M., & Johnson, J. (Eds.) Managing for success: Human resources in healthcare, 3rd edition (pp. 393-431). Chicago: Health Administration Press.
Jones, C.B. (2008). Health care systems. Invited entry in Feldman, H.R., et al., Encyclopedia of nursing leadership (pp. 265-268). New York: Springer Publishing.
Mark, B.A., Hughes, L.C., & Jones, C.B. (2007). The role of theory in improving patient safety and quality health care. Manuscript selected for inclusion in P.G. Reed, & N.B.C. Shearer’s, Perspectives on nursing theory (5th ed.). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. (Contributed as team member of original manuscript [cited earlier])
Jones, C.B., & Pink, G.H. (2005). Nurse Workload, Staffing and Measurement. Invited chapter in Fried, B., Fottler, M., & Johnson, J. (Eds.) Managing for success: Human resources in healthcare, 2nd edition (pp. 331-355). Chicago: Health Administration Press.
Jones, C.B., & Thompson, K.T. (2002). Economics Influences in Health Care Delivery. Invited chapter in Stanhope, M., & Lancaster, J. (Eds.), Foundations of community health nursing. St. Louis: Mosby.
Jones, C.B. (2000). The Future of the Registered Nurse Workforce and Health Care Delivery. Invited chapter in Chaska, N. (Ed.), The nursing profession: tomorrows’ vision. Newbury Park CA: Sage Publications.
Jones, C.B., & Thompson, K. T. (2000). Economics of Health Care Delivery. Invited chapter in Stanhope, M.,
& Lancaster, J. (Eds.), Community health nursing practice (5th ed.). St. Louis: Mosby.
Jones, C.B., & Gilmartin, M. (1998). Economic influences on health care. Invited chapter in Lancaster, J. & Lancaster, W. (Eds.), Advanced nursing practice: The nurse as change agent (2nd ed.). St. Louis: Mosby.
Ridge, R., & Jones, C.B. (1998). Systems theory and analysis in health care and nursing. Invited chapter in Lancaster, J. & Lancaster, W. (Eds.), Advanced nursing practice: The nurse as change agent (2nd ed.). St. Louis: Mosby.
Jones, C.B. (1996). Issues in health care delivery and nursing. In J.L. Creasia & B. Parker (Eds.), conceptual foundations of professional nursing practice. St. Louis: Mosby.
Jones, C.B. (1991). Staff nurse turnover costs. In M.J. Ward & S.A. Price (Eds.), Issues in nursing administration: Selected readings (pp. 378-388). St. Louis: Mosby.
Book reviews
Jones, C.B. (2001). [Review] Budgeting Concepts for Nurse Managers (3rd ed.). Nursing Leadership Forum, 27.
Technical Reports
Hall, L.M., Pink, G.H., Jones, C.B., Leatt, P., Gates, M., et al. (2007). Canadian Nurses in the U.S. Final report prepared for the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, Ontario Canada. (Research team member, contributed to the writing and explanation of theoretical aspects of study, data analysis, interpretation of findings, critical reviews of report)
Jones, C.B. (2005). Differential patterns: Differential nursing employment patterns: A Region IV analysis of race and ethnicity. Final report prepared for the Bureau of Health Professions under Cooperative Agreement No. 4 U79HP00035-01-01.
Reimels, E.M., & Jones, C.B. (1991). A report on hospital or agency policies which reduce turnover and encourage nurses to continue to practice. Prepared for the Joint Legislative Health Care Planning and Oversight Committee, South Carolina.
Jones, C.B. (1993). A Human Capital Approach to Modeling Registered Nurse Wages and Turnover/Retention Behaviors. Dissertation Abstracts International, 54(04B), 1890. (University Microfilms No.AAG9321968).
Master’s Thesis
Jones, C.B. (1989). Hospital Staff Nurse Turnover Costs: Model and Measurement. 1988 – 1989. Thesis Chair: Mary D. (Lucas) Leveck.
Refereed National/International
Jones, C.B., Carlson, J., Hall, L.M., Pink, G. (2012). Internationally educated nurses: Barriers and facilitators to employment in the US. Paper presentation at the 2012 National Council of State Boards of Nursing Scientific Symposium. Arlington, VA.
Gates, M.G., & Jones, C.B. (2011). Gender and race-based wage differentials: the examination of wage premiums for men and minorities in nursing. Paper presentation at the International Nursing Administration Biennial Conference. Denver, CO.
Jones, C.B., Gates, M.G., Mark, B.A., & Pink, G.H. (Oct. 2011). An analysis of mobility in the nursing workforce. Paper presentation at the International Nursing Administration Biennial Conference. Denver, CO.
Patterson, P.D., Jones, C.B., Hubble, M.W., Carr, M., Weaver, M.D., Engberg, J., (Jan. 2010).
Longitudinal study of turnover and its costs in Emergency Medical Services. Poster presentation at the National Association of EMS Physicians 2010 Annual Conference. Phoenix, AZ.
Jones, C.B., Mark, B.A., Zimmer, C., Chang, Y.K., Hughes, L., & Gates, M. (June 2009). Innovations in modeling registered nurse turnover. Paper presentation at the AcademyHealth 2009 Annual Research Meeting. Chicago, IL.
Patterson, D., Castle, N., Jones, C.B., Hubble, M., Engberg, J., Carr, M. (January 2009). A longitudinal study of EMS employee turnover: Costs associated with new-hire productivity. Poster presentation at the National Association of EMS Physicians, Jacksonville, FL. Prehospital Emergency Care, 13(1), 123.
Adams, J., & Jones, C.B. (October 2007). Improved effectiveness of health care organizations: A complex adaptive systems approach. Poster presentation at the International Nursing Administration Conference, 2007, Indianapolis, IN.
Van der Bergh, D. P., & Jones, C.B. (October 2007). Rapid response teams: Organizational conditions necessary for team effectiveness. Poster presentation at the International Nursing Administration Conference, 2007, Indianapolis, IN.
Thompson, P.A., Jones, C.B., & Havens, D.S. (April 2006). Chief nursing officer turnover and retention: Results of an AONE study. Paper presentation at the AONE 39th Annual Meeting and Exposition: Leveraging Energy and Dreams: The Power for Nursing’s Future, Orlando FL.
Jones, C.B., Mark, B.A., Gates, M., & Eck, S.A. (October, 2005). Manager and staff nurse perceptions of vacancy tolerance. Paper presentation at the International Nursing Administration Research Conference, 2005. Tucson AZ.
Jones, C.B., Belyea, M.J., Gates, M., Mark, B.A., & Pink, G. (October, 2005). Differential patterns of nursing employment: An analysis of race in the nursing workforce. Paper presentation at the International Nursing Administration Research Conference, 2005. Tucson AZ.
Jones, C.B., Belyea, M.J., Gates, M., Mark, B.A., & Pink, G. (June 2005). Patterns of nursing employment: An analysis of race and ethnicity in the southeastern U.S. Paper presentation at the Health Workforce Interest Group Meeting, 2005 Annual Research Meeting of AcademyHealth. Boston MA.
Jones, C.B., Belyea, M.J., & Gates, M. (June 2005). Who leaves and who stays? Analysis of nurses in the southeastern region of the U.S. Paper presentation at the 23rd Quadrennial Congress, May 2005. Taipei, Taiwan.
Jones, C.B., & Mark, B.A. (October 2004). The intersection of nursing and health services research: Report of an agenda-setting conference. Proceedings of the 2004 National Congress on the State of the Science in Nursing Research (paper presentation). Washington DC.
Jones, C.B., & Gates. M. (June 2004). Educational preparation and registered nurse turnover. Proceedings of the 2004 Annual Research Meeting of AcademyHealth (paper presentation), San Diego CA.
Jones, C.B., & Gates, M. (Feb. 2004). Differential patterns of nursing employment. Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the Southern Nursing Research Society (paper presentation), Louisville KY.
Jones, C.B. (Oct. 2003). An update on the costs of nursing turnover in hospitals: Methods and application.
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Nursing Administration Research (paper presentation), Chapel Hill NC.
Jones, C.B. (Oct. 2001). The economics of RN turnover: A human capital approach. Proceedings of the 9th National Conference on Nursing Administration Research (paper presentation), Cincinnati OH.
Jones, C.B. (Feb. 2000). Health services research: What it is…and what it’s not. Symposium presentation, Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference of the Southern Nursing Research Society (paper presentation), Little Rock AR.
Jones, C.B. (1997). Temporary employment of nurses in healthcare. Proceedings of the Seventh National Nursing Administration Research Conference (paper presentation), Kansas City KS.
Thompson, K.M., & Jones, C.B. (1996). The costs of violence during pregnancy. Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Conference of the Southern Nursing Research Society (poster), Miami FL.
Jones, C.B. (1995). Determinants of registered nurse wages and turnover behavior. Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Conference of the Southern Nursing Research Society (paper presentation), Lexington KY.
Jones, C.B. (1995). Secondary analysis of a national nursing database to model RN wages and turnover behavior. Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Conference of the Southern Nursing Research Society (paper presentation), Lexington KY.
Jones, C.B. (1992). Modeling and measuring RN turnover costs in hospitals. Proceedings of the 1992 Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Research Conference (paper). Columbus OH.
Jones, C.B. (1992). Shared governance: Evaluating the impacts of restructuring the nurse practice environment. Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Conference of the Southern Nursing Research Society (paper presentation), Nashville TN.
Jones, C.B. (1991). Evaluating hospital staff nurse turnover: A method for calculating and updating costs.
Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Nursing Administration Research (paper presentation), Iowa City IA.
Jones, C.B. (1990). Hospital staff nurse turnover: Model and measurement. Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Conference of the Southern Nursing Research Society (paper presentation), Orlando FL.
Atwood, J.R., Lucas, M.D., Jones, C.B., Benfield, R.D. (1991). Phaneuf Nursing Audit: Validated for patient quality of care management. Proceedings of the ANA Council of Nurse Researchers International Nursing Research Conference (poster). Los Angeles CA.
Invited National/International
Jones, C.B., & Lynn, M.R. (Mar. 5, 2015). Understanding nurse turnover and the Return on Investment (ROI) of the Nurse Residency Program™. UHC/AACN Nurse Residency Program™ 2015 Annual Meeting. Scottsdale, Arizona.
Havens, D.S., Jones, C.B., & Carlson, J. (Mar. 14, 2014). Chief Nursing Officer Retention & Turnover, 2013: Is the Crisis Still Brewing? AONE 2014 Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL.
Jones, C.B., Lynn, M.R., Morgan, J., Pink, G., & Reiter, K. (Mar. 5, 2014). Innovation in the NRP – Establishing the Return on Investment for a Nurse Residency Program. UHC/AACN Nurse Residency Program™ 2014 Annual Meeting. Amelia Island, FL.
Jones, C.B. (May 18, 2011). Advancing practice: The role of nursing research, evidence and innovation. North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System Annual Research Conference. New Hyde Park, NY.
Jones, C.B. (February 9, 2011). Learning from the past, looking to the future: Nurse mobility, turnover, and migration. New York University College of Nursing. Doctoral Symposium.
Jones, C.B. (October 26, 2010). Nursing research and practice: Oil and water…or peas and carrots? Nursing Research Day, Moffit Cancer Center, Tampa, FL.
Jones, C.B. (October 5, 2010). Visiting Research Symposium. State of the science on nurse turnover research: Lessons from the past, opportunities for the future. Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, Graduate Nursing Program, University of Toronto.
Jones, C.B. (October 6, 2010). Nursing Shortage: Myth or Reality? Perspectives from leading US nursing workforce researchers: A panel discussion (with Drs. Christine Kovner, Joanne Spetz, and Carol Brewer). Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Jones, C.B. (September 26, 2010). A comparison of internationally educated & U.S. educated nurses.
National Council of State Boards of Nursing Scientific Symposium. Washington DC.
Jones, C.B. (June 17, 2010). Visiting Alumni Symposium. Nursing workforce research:
Lessons from the past, opportunities for the future. University of Florida College of Nursing, Gainesville, FL.
Jones, C.B. (February 19, 2010). The nursing labor market and internationally educated nurses: Implications for the future of nursing. 7th Annual Conference of the Asian American Pacific Islander Nurses Association: Creative Solutions in Turbulent Times. Chapel Hill, NC.
Jones, C.B. (February 12, 2010). Building a business case for nursing research: Improving care and the bottom line. 7th Annual Florida Magnet Nursing Research Conference: Nursing Research at the Point of Care, Naples, FL.
Jones, C.B. (January 2007). Creating environments that minimize nursing turnover. Transforming Nursing Data into Quality Outcomes, the First Annual Conference of the National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators, Las Vegas Nevada.
Jones, C.B. (April 2007). Nursing and health services research: Where do we want to go, and how do we get there? Indiana University School of Nursing (IUSON) Doctoral Education Forum and Celebration, Indianapolis.
Jones, C.B. (March 2006). Working with nursing workforce data in the US: The good, the bad, and the ugly. Invitational Symposium on Quality Worklife Indicators for Nursing Practice Environments in Ontario: Determining the Feasibility of Collecting Indicator Data. Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Jones, C.B. (December 2004). Nursing and health services research: Leadership to improve nursing and health care. Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing, Emory University, Jower’s Lectureship.
Jones, C.B., & Mark, B.A. (November 2004). The intersection of nursing and health services research: Priorities from an agenda-setting conference. American Academy of Nursing (AAN) 31st Annual Meeting and Conference, Washington DC.
Jones, C.B. (June 2004). An overview on nursing and health services research: Preliminary outcomes of an invitational conference. Presentation at the 4th International Doctoral Student/Faculty Symposium: Perspectives on Nursing and Health Services Research. University of Toronto.
Jones, C.B. & Mark, B.A. (June 2004). The Intersection of nursing and health services research: Preliminary outcomes of an invitational conference. Panel presentation, AcademyHealth Interdisciplinary Research Group on Nursing Issues, San Diego CA.
Jones, C.B. (April 2002). Methodological considerations in nurse retention and turnover research. Keynote, Army Nurse Corps’ Phyllis J. Verhonick Research Day, Tri-Service Nursing Research, Department of Defense, San Antonio, TX.
Jones, C.B. (Nov. 2000). Nurse staffing and quality: Current research and future opportunities. Research Day, University of Tennessee School of Nursing, Chattanooga.
Jones, C.B. (May 2000). Nursing leadership: How little things can make a big difference. Keynote, Nurses Day 2000, University of Virginia Medical Center and School of Nursing, Charlottesville.
Jones, C.B. (Apr. 2000). Nurse staffing and quality of care: What’s good enough? Research Day 2000, George Mason University School of Nursing, Fairfax, VA.
Jones, C.B. (Feb. 2000). Health services research funding: An update from AHRQ. 14th Annual Conference of the Southern Nursing Research Society, Little Rock AR.
Jones, C.B., & Lusk, S. (Jan. 2000). Health services research: A gap in the re-conceptualized PhD? Bold New Directions for Doctoral Nursing Education: Are We Ready? American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Annual Doctoral Education Conference, Sanibel Island FL.
Jones, C.B., Thompson, P., Hubbard, H., & Lusk, S. (1999). Submitting competitive applications to the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research. Better Health Through Nursing Research, State of the Science Congress, Washington DC.
Jones, C.B., & Bowman, C.C. (1999). AHCPR: Health services research to inform policy decisions. 7th Annual Health Policy Institute. George Mason University, Fairfax VA.
Jones, C.B. (1999). Financing health services research: Funding opportunities at the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research. Health Policy and Health Services Research: Nursing’s Essential Contribution, Columbia University, New York City NY.
Jones, C.B., & Moody, L.M. (1999). Health services research funding opportunities and capacity building: Agency for Health Care Policy and Research. AACN Annual Meeting, Washington DC.
Jones, C.B. (1998). Panel Respondent, Challenges and priorities of collaboration: Public health and managed care. American Public Health Association 126th Annual Meeting and Exposition, Washington DC.
Jones, C.B. (1998). Funding opportunities at the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research. 12th Annual Conference of the Southern Nursing Research Society, Fort Worth TX.
Havens, D.S., Jones, C.B., & Carlson, C. (Apr. 30, 2015). Chief Nursing Officer Retention & Turnover, 2013: Is the Crisis Still Brewing? NCONL 2015 Annual Meeting. Greensboro, NC. Invited.
Jones, C.B. (March 19, 2011). Can nurse migration help solve the U.S. nursing shortage? The Global American South Conference: Globalization, the economic crisis, and the future of the American South. Center for Global Initiatives, UNC-CH, Chapel Hill, N.C.
Jones, C.B. (March 30, 2011). Where the rubber meets the road: Nursing research at the point-of-care.
Research Support Center Seminar Series, School of Nursing, UNC-CH, Chapel Hill, N.C.
Jones, C.B., & Hall, L.M. (March 16, 2010). Internationally Educated Nurses: Twin Studies of Different Countries. Quality and Patient Outcomes Seminar Series. School of Nursing, UNC-CH. Chapel Hill, N.C.
Jones, C.B. (May 12, 2010). Nursing leadership in the clinical enterprise. Division of Nursing, University of North Carolina Hospitals.
Jones, C.B. (August, 2009). The role of Clinical Nurse Leaders. North Carolina Organization of Nurse Leaders, District 4 meeting, Raleigh, N.C.
Jones, C.B. (November 2008). Using evidence: What leaders need to know. Aspiring Nurse Leaders Week, University of North Carolina Hospitals Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
Jones, C.B. (August 2007). The high cost of nurse turnover: What does the latest research tell nurse executives? North Carolina Organization of Nurse Leaders Annual Conference, Asheville.
Jones, C.B. (Feb. 2007). The cost of nurse turnover. Quality and Patient Outcomes Seminar Series. School of Nursing, UNC-CH. Chapel Hill, N.C.
Jones, C.B. (November 2006). Evidence based practice: Integrating research and practice. UNC School of Nursing Continuing Education program, Back to Basics: Getting Started with Nursing Research at the Bedside, Chapel Hill, N.C.
Jones, C.B. (Jan. 2006). Preliminary thoughts on a model of access to nursing care. Quality and Patient Outcomes Seminar Series, School of Nursing, UNC-CH, Chapel Hill, N.C.
Jones, C.B. (June 2005). Planning now for later: The nursing labor market & employment trends. 2nd Annual Nurse Executive Leadership Conference, University of North Carolina Hospitals.
Jones, C.B. (April 2005). The nursing workforce and quality: Why do we care? University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Public Health, Program on Health Outcomes Seminar Series.
Jones, C.B. (June, 2003). Retaining the nurse manager. Nurse Manager Council 2003 Retreat, University of North Carolina Hospitals.
Jones, C.B. (May 2001). The bottom line on turnover: What are the effects on care delivery? Keynote, Research Day, Nurses’ Week 2001, University of North Carolina Hospitals.
Jones, C.B. (1997). The financing of health care and patient care: Where are the incentives? Second Annual Nursing Care Management Institute, University of Virginia School of Nursing, Continuing Healthcare Education, Charlottesville.
Jones, C.B. (1995). Panel discussant responding to P. Buerhaus: Are quality and nurses’ self interests compatible? Joint meeting of Beta Kappa and Gamma Omega Chapters, Sigma Theta Tau International, Richmond VA.
Jones, C.B. (PI, 4%), Knafl, G., Toles, M., & Beeber, A. Pathways in nursing careers: A Multivariate Predictor Model of Licensed Practical Nurse to Registered Nurse Transitions in North Carolina. Health Resources and Services Administration funded, Health Workforce Research Center, E. Fraher, Center PI. Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health Services Research. Funded $45,000. Oct. 2015 – Sept.
Beeber, A.S., & Jones, C.B. (Co-PI, 4%). Determining the value and outcomes of the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP). Health Resources and Services Administration funded, Health Workforce Research Center, E. Fraher, Center PI. Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health Services Research. Funded $45,000. Oct. 2015 – Sept. 2016.
Jones, C.B. (PI, 15%), Knafl, G., Toles, M., & Beeber, A. Pathways in nursing careers: Transitions from the role of Licensed Practical Nurse to Registered Nurse in North Carolina. Health Resources and Services Administration funded, Health Workforce Research Center, E. Fraher, Center PI. Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health Services Research. Funded $65,513. Oct. 2014 – Sept. 2015.
Jones, C.B. (PI, 20%), Morgan, J., Lynn, M., et al. Evaluating the Business Case for Nurse Residency Programs. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF), Future of Nursing Initiative. Funded, $300,000. May 2013 – Apr. 2015; no-cost extension to December 31, 2015.
Jones, C.B., Knafl., G., & Fraher, E. Educational Transitions and Trajectories of Registered Nurses in North Carolina. National Council of State Boards of Nursing. Funded, $274,857. August 2013 – July 2015.
Jones, C.B., Hall, L.M., Pink, G.H., George, J.L., & Carlson, J. A Comparison of Internationally Educated and
U.S. Educated Nurses. National Council of State Boards of Nursing. Funded, $297,442. Nov. 2009 – May 2012.
Jones, C.B., & Pink, G.H. An Examination of Foreign-Trained Nurses in the U.S. Nursing Labor Market: A Research Partnership between the University of North Carolina and the University of Toronto. Faculty Research Partnership Grant, Office of Global Health, UNC School of Public Health. Funded $5,000. Jan. 2008 – Dec. 2008.
Jones, C.B., Mark, B.A., Holmes, M. A Model of Access to Nursing. Health Resources and Services Administration, Southeastern Regional Center for Health Workforce Studies, T. Ricketts, Center PI. Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health Services Research. Funded $76,798. Sept. 2005 – February 2007.
Jones, C.B., Mark, B.A., Belyea, M.J., & Gates, M. Population Characteristics and Nursing Employment Patterns. Health Resources and Services Administration, Southeastern Regional Center for Health Workforce Studies, T. Ricketts, Center PI. Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health Services Research. Funded
$76,798. Sept. 2004 – Feb. 2007.
Jones, C.B., Mark, B.A. The Intersection of Nursing and Health Services Research. Agency for Healthcare Quality and Research, R13 (Conference Grant) funded $40,000; $18,500 from other sources (American Nurses Foundation, American Organization of Nurse Executives [AONE], UNC entities [SON and Sheps Center]). Sept. 2003 – Aug. 2004 (no-cost extension through Aug. 2005).
Jones, C.B., Mark, B.A., Belyea, M.J., & Gates, M. Differential Nursing Employment Patterns: A Region IV Analysis of Race and Ethnicity. Health Resources and Services Administration, Southeastern Regional Center for Health Workforce Studies, T. Ricketts. Center PI, Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health Services Research. Funded $76,798. Sept. 2003 – August 2005.
Jones, C.B. Differential Nursing Employment Patterns: Race, Ethnicity, and Geographic Location. Junior Faculty Development Award, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Funded $5,000, Jan. 2002 – Dec. 2002.
Jones, C.B. PI. Calculating the Costs of Nursing Turnover in Hospitals. School of Nursing, UNC-CH Faculty Research Opportunity Grant. Funded, $4,995, Feb. 2001 – May 2002.
Jones, C.B. PI. Nightingale Award. University of Virginia School of Nursing Alumni Association & University of Virginia School of Nursing, Center for Nursing Research. Funded $5,786. Dec. 1996 – Nov. 1997.
Jones, C.B. PI. Nursing Employment and the Changing Health Care Environment: Implications for Care Delivery. University of Virginia School of Nursing, Center for Nursing Research. Funded $5,062. Dec. 1995 – Nov. 1996.
Jones, C.B. PI. The Cost of Violence During Pregnancy. University of Virginia School of Nursing. Funded
$8,036. Dec. 1994 – Nov. 1995.
Jones, C.B. PI. Cost-effectiveness of Nurse Retention Strategies. Individual National Research Service Award (F31), National Center for Nursing Research, NIH. Marilyn Chassie, Sponsor. Funded $38,000. Sept. 1990 – May 1993.
Fraher, E.P. (PI), Jones, C.B. (Investigator). Center for Health Workforce Innovation, Research & Policy (Cecil
G. Sheps Center for Health Services Research). Bureau of Health Professions, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA-13-185). Funded, $1,866,275. Sept. 2013 – Aug. 2017.
Hall, L.M. (PI), Jones, C.B. (Co-PI), et al. A Comparison of Internationally-Educated and Canadian-Educated Nurses. Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MOHLTC). Funded, $204,300. 2009 – 2012.
Hall, L.M. (PI), Jones, C.B. (Co-I), et al. Is the Grass Still Greener? Examining Trends in Canada to US Nurse Migration. Ontario Health Human Resources Research Network. Funded, $26,430. Mar. 2010 – Feb. 2011.
Mark, B.A., PI, Jones, C.B. (Co-I), et al. A Model of Patient and Nursing Administration Outcomes. National Institute of Nursing Research, NIH. Funded $2,485,600. Mar. 2002 – Feb. 28 2008 (no-cost extension through Feb. 2009).
Hall, L.M., PI, Pink, G.H., Jones, C.B. (Co-I). An Understanding of Canadian-Trained Nurses in the U.S. Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care, University of Toronto. Funded $249,600. Apr. 2004 – Mar. 2006.
Kovner, C.T., PI, Jones, C.B. (Co-I). Nurse Staffing and Adverse Events: 1990 – 1996. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Intramural Research Program. Funded $32,000. Oct. 1999 – Sept. 2000.
Jones, C.B. (Consultant). Care Team Redesign. Jennifer Craft Morgan, PI. The Hitachi Foundation. Funded, April 2015.
Fraher, E. (PI), Jones, C.B., (5%, Senior Research Faculty). The Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action Research Manager. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Funded, $50,000. April 2012 – Mar. 2013.
Jones, C.B. (Consultant) & Havens, D.H. Chief Nursing Officer Retention and Turnover: Is the Crisis Still Brewing? AONE, Sept. 2012 – present.
Jones, C.B. (PI) & Sherwood, G. The Globalization of the Nursing Workforce. UNC-CH Center for Global Initiatives (Conference Grant). Funded, $7,000. May 2012.
Patterson, D. (PI), Jones, C.B. (Consultant). Turnover Costs in Rural Emergency Medical Services. Office of Rural Health Policy, (HRSA Grant # RO4RH08596). Funded Sept. 2007 – Dec. 2008.
Jones, C.B. Carrington Leave, UNC-CH School of Nursing. Funded 50% salary support. July 2007 – June 2008.
Jones, C.B. (Consultant). Development of a Nurse Turnover Indicator. National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators, American Nurses Association. Sept. 2006 – Apr. 2007.
Thompson, P.A., PI, Jones, C.B. (Consultant), Havens, D.H.. AONE, Chief Nursing Officer Retention and Turnover: A Crisis Brewing. Funded, $75,000. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Dec. 2004 – June 2006.
O’Brien-Pallas, L., PI, Jones, C.B. (Consultant). Understanding the Costs and Outcomes of Nurses’ Turnover: An International Study (Canada, Australia, New Zealand, U.S., U.K.). Canadian Health Services Research Foundation. Funded Sept. 2003 – Aug. 2006.
Jones, C.B. (Content Expert). Evidence Based Practice Center II. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Contract awarded to Research Triangle Institute and UNC-CH, Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health Services Research. Feb. 2002 – Jan. 2007.
Sterns, S., & Dalton, K., PIs, Jones, C.B. (Consultant). Task Order, Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC). Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health Services Research. Funded, Dec. 2002.
Jones, C.B. (Consultant). Patient Safety Improvement Corps Feasibility Study Working Group. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Contract awarded to Research Triangle Institute – UNC School of Public Health. Funded, Oct. 2001 – Mar. 2002.
Harrell, J., PI, Jones, C.B. (Consultant). Center for Preventing/Managing Chronic Illness in Vulnerable People.
National Institute of Nursing Research, NIH. Funded Sept. 2000 – Apr. 2004.