SeonAe Yeo, RNC, PhD, FAAN
School of Nursing
Campus Box #7460
ITS Manning
211 Manning Drive
Office: 4605
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7460
Professor Yeo is a Women’s Health nurse practitioner, a public health nurse, and a nurse-midwife by training. Her research activities entail health promotion and risk reduction of pregnant women at risk. Her research activities in the past range from passive immunity of low birth weight infants to Japanese expatriates’ birth experiences in Unites States.
More recently, Dr. Yeo’s research focuses on achieving healthy weight gain during pregnancy among obese women of low-income background. She has collaborated with a wide range of interdisciplinary scholars nationally and internationally to identify and test sustainable behavior interventions to achieve healthy weight gain for low income pregnant women. She is passionate about providing high quality prenatal care for all pregnant women.
2012 | Outstanding Contribution for Doctoral Education in Nursing, Hyogo University of Health Science, Japan |
2012 | Member of International Weight Management in Pregnancy (i-WIP), United Kingdom |
2010 | Japan Nurses Association Publisher, Tokyo, Japan |
2007 | Associate Professor Emerita, University of Michigan |
2005 | Ethnic Diversity Visiting Scholar, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, School of Nursing |
2005 | Fellow of American Academy of Nursing |
2005 | Outstanding Contribution for Childcare Issues by University of Michigan Senate Advisory Committee on University Affair (SACUA) |
2004 | Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research Visiting Lecturer Award, University of Alberta, Edmonton |
Award for Dedicated and Exemplary Service to the University of Michigan by University of Michigan Senate Advisory Committee on University Affair (SACUA) |
2004 | Genetics Interdisciplinary Faculty Training Award, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina |
2003 | Golden Opportunity Award, University of Michigan, School of Nursing |
2002 | Outstanding Contribution to Nursing Award, Tokyo Society of Medical Science and Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo |
2002 | Fellow of Japan Academy of Nurse Midwifery |
2000 | Nursing Education Recognition Award, Division of Nursing,
US Department of Health & Human Services |
2000 | Michigan Road Scholars fellowship, University of Michigan |
1996 | Science in Service to the Nation’s Health Award, Friends of National Institute of Nursing Research |
1995 | Presidential Career Development Award, University of Michigan |
1994 | The Best Paper of the Year Award, International Journal of Human Lactation |
1992 | Fellow of Japan Academy of Nursing Science |
1991 | Heart of Gold Award for clinical service at The Corner Health Center, Washtenaw County United Way |
1990 | Minority Faculty Development Award, University of Michigan |
1986 | Member of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society |
Yeo, S. (2009). Knowledge development in nursing [Kango ni Okeru Monono Mikata Kangaekata]. Tokyo, Japan: Japan Nurse Association.
*Yeo, S. (2013). The role of exercise and physical activity for the health of women during pregnancy: evidence, theories, and interventions in exercise in health and disease (Vol. Ed: B.A. Smith). Annual Review of Nursing Research (vol.31, pp. 143-173). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.
Yeo, S. (2009). A perspective of Asian nurses. In H. Bessent (Ed.), Minority nurses in the new century (pp. 109 – 113) New York, NY: NLN.
Yeo, S. (2007). Physical activities in daily life: Exercise, sleep, and resting. In K. Kabeyama & Y. Taketani (Eds.), Maternity care (pp. 212-215). Tokyo, Japan: Igaku Shoin.
*Yeo, S. (2004). Language barriers and access to care. In J. J. Fitzpatrick (Series Ed.) & T. M. Villarruel & C. P. Porter (Vol Ed.), Annual review of nursing research: Eliminating health disparities among racial and ethnic minorities in the United States (Vol 22., pp. 59-73). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.
Yeo, S. (2003). A Japanese perspective. In M. L. Moore & M. K. Moos (Eds.), Cultural competence in the care of childbearing families (pp. 74-78) White Plains, New York: March of Dimes.
Yeo, S. (2001). How to make students’ experience abroad positive and productive. In S. Ojima (Ed.), Path to a successful experience as a student in the United States, your dreams come true! (pp. 186–193). Tokyo: Nanzando Publisher Inc.
Baba, K., & Yeo, S. (1980). Premature infants. Ichigaya, Tokyo: Boshi Eisei, Kenkyu Publishing.
(*Denotes data based paper; student/post-doc author)
Logan, J.G., Kim, S.S., Lee, M., Byon, H.D., Yeo, S., (2018). “Effects of static stretching exercise on lumbar flexibility and central arterial stiffness.” Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. doi: 10.1097/JCN.0000000000000460. [Epub ahead of print]
*Haruna, M., Matsuzaki, M., Shiraishi, M., & Yeo, S., (2017). “Physical Exercise During Pregnancy and its Related Factors: An Observational Study in Japan.” Asian/Pacific Island Nursing Journal, 2(4): 166-173. DOI: 10.9741/23736658.1074
*Rogozinska, E., Marlin, N., Yang, F., Dodd, J., Guelfi, K., Teede, H., Jensen, D., Geiker, N., Astrup, A., Yeo, S., Kinnunen, T., Stafne, S., Cecatti, J., Bogaerts, A., Hauner, H., Mol, B., Scudeller, T., Vinter, C., Renault, K., Devlieger, R., Thangaratinam, S., Khan, K., (2017).”Variations in reporting of outcomes in randomised trials on diet and physical activity in pregnancy: a systematic review.” Journal of Obstetrics Gynaecology Research, 43(7):1101-1110. doi: 10.1111/jog.13338. Epub 2017 Jun 14.
Rogozinska, E., Marlin, N., Pilar, A., Yeo, S., Dodds, J., Kerry, S., Jackson, L., Rayanogoudar, G., Ruifrok, A., Roberts, T., Coomarasamy, A., Mol, B., Zamora, J., Khan, K., Riley, R., & Thangaratinam, S., (The International Weight Management in Pregnancy (i-WIP) Collaborative Group) (2017). “Effect of diet and physical activity based interventions in pregnancy on gestational weight gain and pregnancy outcomes: Individual participant data (IPD) meta-analysis of randomized trials.” BMJ, 358:j3119 doi: 10.1136/bmj.j3119 Doi.
Im, E., Lee, S., Hu, Y., Cheng, C., Iikura, A., Inohara, A., Kim, S., Hamajima, Y., Yeo, S., Chee, E., Chee, W., (2017). “The use of multiple languages in a technology-based intervention study: A discussion paper.” Applied Nursing Research 38: 147-152.
Rogozinska, E., Marlin, N., , Yeo, S., , Thangaratinam, S., .(The International Weight Management in Pregnancy (i-WIP) Collaborative Group) (2017). “Effects of antenatal diet and physical activity on maternal and fetal outcomes: individual patient data meta-analysis and health economic evaluation.” Health Technology Assessment, 21(41). doi.10.3310/hta21410.
Yeo, S., Walker, J.S, Caughey, M.C., Ferraro, A.M. & Asafu-adjei, J.K., (2017). “What characteristics of nutrition and physical activity interventions are key to effectively reducing weight gain in obese or overweight pregnant women? A systematic review and meta-analysis”. Obesity Reviews. doi: 10.1111/obr.12511 [Epub ahead of time].
Im, E., Ji, X., Zhang, J., Kim, S., Lee, Y., Chee, W., Tsai, HM., Nishigaki, M., Yeo, S., Schapira, M., & Mao, J.J., (2016). “Issues in developing and evaluating a culturally tailored internet cancer support group.” Computers, Informatics, and Nursing. 34(10) 462-468.
Im, E., Lee, Y., Ji, X., Zhang, J., Kim, S., Chee, E., Tsai, H., Nishigaki, M., Yeo, S. Shapira, M., & Mao, J., (2016). “Internet recruitment of Asian American breast cancer survivors.” Advances in Nursing Science. 39(3) E17-E27. Doi: 10.1097/ANS.0000000000000131.
Chee, W., Lee, Y., Im, E. O., Chee, E., Tsai, H., Nishigaki, M., Yeo, S., Schapira, M., & Mao, J. (2016). “A Culturally Tailored Internet Cancer Support Group for Asian American Breast Cancer Survivors.” Journal of Telemedicine and Telehealth. [Epub ahead of print, Aug 2].
Yeo, S., Samuel-Hodge, C., Smith, R., Leeman, J., Ferraro, A., & Asafu-Adjei, J.K. (2016). “Challenge to Integrating Evidence-based Intervention in Health Departments to Prevent Excessive Gestational Weight Gain among Low-income Women”. Public Health Nursing. 33(3):224-31. doi: 10.1111/phn.12255. Epub 2016 Feb 26.
Logan, J.G. & Yeo, S. (2016). “Effects of stretching exercise on heart rate variability during pregnancy.” Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing [Epub ahead of print].
Yeo, S., Crandell, J., & Jones-Vessey, K. (2016) Adequacy of Prenatal Care and Gestational Weight Gain. Journal of Women’s Health. 25(2):117-23. doi: 10.1089/jwh.2015.5468.
Rogozinska, E., Yeo, S., et. al. (2016). “Development of composite outcomes for individual patient data (IPD) meta-analysis on effects of diet and lifestyle in pregnancy: A Delphi survey. BJOG An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 123(2): 190-8. doi: 10.1111/1471-0528.13764.
Flynn. A., Dalrymple, K., Barr, S., Poston, L., Goff, L., Rogozinska, E., van Poppel, M., Rayangoudar, G., Yeo, S., Barakat, B., Teede, H., Haakstad, L., Motahari-Tabari, N., Tonstad, S., Luoto, R., Guelfi, K., Petrella, E., Phelan., S., Scudeller, T., Hauner, H., Renault, K., Sagedal, L., Stafne, S., Vinter, C., Astrup, A., Geiker, N., McAuliffe, F.M., Mol, B., & Thangaratinam, S., (2016). “Dietary interventions in overweight and obese pregnant women: a systematic review of the content, delivery and outcomes of randomized controlled trials.” Nutrition Review, 74(5): 312-328. Doi: 10.1093/nutrit/nuw005.
Im, E., Hsiu, M., Nishigaki, M., and Yeo, S. (2015). “Practical Issues in Multi-lingual Research: A Discussion Paper. International Journal of Nursing Studie, 54: 141-9. doi: 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2015.02.008.
Ruifrok, A., Rogazinska, E., van Poppel, M., Rayanagoudar, G., Kerry, S., de Groot, J., Yeo, S., Roberts, T., Molyneaux, E., McAuliffe, R., Poston, L., Roberts, T., Riley R., Coomarosamy, A., Khan, K., Mol, B., & Thangaratinam, S.(2015). Erratum to: Study protocol: differential effects of diet and physical activity based interventions in pregnancy on maternal and fetal outcomes: individual patient data (IPD) meta-analysis and health economic evaluation. Systematic Reviews.
Ruifrok, A., Rogazinska, E., van Poppel, M., Rayanagoudar, G., Kerry, S., de Groot, J., Yeo, S., Roberts, T., Molyneaux, E., McAuliffe, R., Poston, L., Roberts, T., Riley R., Coomarosamy, A., Khan, K., Mol, B., & Thangaratinam, S. (2014). Study protocol differential effects of diet and physical activity based interventions in pregnancy on maternal and fetal outcomes: individual patient data (IPD) meta-analysis and health economic evaluation. Systematic Reviews, 3:131. doi: 10.1186/2046-4053-3-131.
Thompson, W. & Yeo, S. (2014). Is attitude a key factor to consider when designing physical activity intervention for Black adolescent girls: A review. The Journal of Black Psychology, 1-26.
*Yeo, S. & Logan, J. (2014). Preventing obesity: exercise and daily activities of low-income pregnant women. Journal of Perinatal and Neonatal Nursing, 28(1), 17-25.
*Takataya, K., Van Riper, M, Yeo, S., Kondo, Y., Nakamoto, K., Okumura, K., Sakagami, R., & Mikami, Y. (2014). Adaptation in families living with Down syndrome: Enhancing the resiliency of families. Yamanashi Nursing Journal, 13 (1), 1-8.
Matsuzaki, M., Haruna, M., & Yeo, S. (2013). Adapting a U.S. questionnaire to Japanese pregnant women. Adapting the pregnancy physical activity questionnaire for Japanese pregnant women. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing, 43, 107-116.
*Shiraishi, M., Haruna, M., Matsuzaki M., Ota, E., Murayama, R., Sasaki, S., Yeo & Murashima, S. (2013). Relationship between plasma total homocysteine level and dietary caffeine and vitamin B6 intakes in pregnant women. Nursing and Health Science (July 16). Doi: 10.1111/nhs
Evenson, K.R., Dargent-Molina, P., Haruna, M., Mikkelsen, E.M., Mottola, M.F., Owe, K.M., Rousham, E.K., & Yeo, S. (2013). Guidelines for physical activity during pregnancy: comparisons from around the world. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, 8, 1-20.
*Haruna, M., Watanabe, E., Matsuzaki, M., Ota, E., Shiraishi, M., Murayama, R., Yoshida, M., & Yeo, S., (2013). The effects of an exercise program on health-related quality of life in postpartum mothers: a randomized controlled trial. Health, 5(3), 432-439.
*Andringa, K, Bardsley, T., Herring, A., & Yeo, S. (2013). The impact of symptom type and frequency on activity level during pregnancy. Journal of Women’s Health Physical Health, 37 (1), 4 – 10.
*Shiraishi, M., Yeo, S. (2013). Association between oxidized LDL and folate during pregnancy. Biological Research for Nursing, 15, 213-218.
Symon-Downs, L., Chasan-Taber, L., Evenson, K., Leiferman, J., & Yeo, S. (2012).Physical activity and pregnancy: Past and present evidence and future recommendations. Research Quarterly for Exercise Sport, 83, 485-502.
*Supavititpatana, B., Phancharoenworakul, K., Yeo, S., & Sinsuksai, N. (2012). Using theory of planned behavior to predict physical activity intention among pregnant Thais. Pacific Rim International Journal of Nursing Research, 16, 192-205.
*Yoshioka, T., Yeo, S., & Fetters, M. (2012). Experiences with epidural anesthesia of Japanese women who had childbirth in the United States – A triangulation mixed methods study. Journal of Anesthesia,26, 326-333.
*Sankaralingam, S., Jiang, Y., Davidge, S. T., & Yeo, S. (2011). Effect of exercise on vascular superoxide dismutase expression in high-risk pregnancy. The American Journal of Perinatology, 28, 803-810.
Yeo, S. (2011). A risk reduction model for late-onset preeclampsia: A theory for using low-intensity exercises to enhance cardiac homeostasis in nursing research and practice. Advances in Nursing Science, 34, 78-88.
Matsuzaki, M., Haruna, M., Ota, E., Yeo, S., Murayama, R., & Murashima, M. (2010). Translation and cross-cultrual adaptation of the pregnancy physical activity questionnaire (PPAQ) to Japanese. BioScience Trends, 4, 170-177.
*Yeo, S., Cisewski, J., Lock, E., & Marron, J. S. (2010). Exploratory analysis of exercise adherence patterns with sedentary pregnant women. Nursing Research, 59, 280-287.
*Yeo, S. (2010). Prenatal stretching exercise and autonomic responses: Preliminary data and a model for reducing preeclampsia. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 42, 112-3.
*Haruna, M., Yeo, S., Watanabe, E., Matsuzaki, M., Ota, E., Nakayama, K., Murashima, S. (2010). Perceptions of women and health-care provider in Tokyo of appropriate weight gain during pregnancy. Nursing and Health Science, 12(1), 21-26.
*Haruna, M., Matsuzaki, M., Ota, E., Honda, Y., Tanizaki, T., Sekine, K., Tabata, N, Yeo, S., Murashima, S. (2010). Positive correlation between maternal serum coenzyme Q10 levels and infant birth weight. Biofactors, 36, 312-318.
*Yeo, S., (2009). Adherence to walking, stretching, and risk of preeclampsia among sedentary pregnant women. Research in Nursing & Health, 32, 379-390.
*Yeo, S., Davidge, S., Ronis, D., Antonakos, C. L., Hayashi, R., & O’Leary, S. (2008). A comparison of walking versus stretching exercise to reduce the incidence of preeclampsia: A randomized clinical trial. Journal of Hypertension in Pregnancy, 27, 113-130. [One of 5 top downloaded articles of the year of the Journal of Hypertension in Pregnancy]
Yeo, S. (2008). Tertiary primary care in advanced nursing: Nursing is “umami” in health care. Journal of Japan Academy of Nursing Science, 28, 1-5. [Japanese]
*Ota, E., Haruna, M., Yanai, H., Suzuki, M., Anh, D. D., Matsuzaki, M., Yeo, S., & Murashima, S. (2008). Reliability and validity of the Vietnamese version of the pregnancy physical activity questionnaire (PPAQ). Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health, 39, 562-570.
*Ota, E., Haruna, M., Matsuzaki, M., Honda, Y., Sasaki, S., Yeo, S., Murashima, S. (2008). Comparison of body fat mass changes during the third trimester and at one month postpartum between lactating and non-lactating Japanese women. BioScience Trends, 2, 200-205.
*Yeo, S., Wells, P. J., Kieffer, E., Nolan, G. (2007). Preeclampsia among Hispanic women in a Detroit health system: A paradox or conundrum? Journal of Ethnicity & Disease, 17, 118-121.
*Hines, S., Sampselle, C., Ronis, D., Yeo, S., Fredrickson, B. L., & Boyd, C. (2007). “Women’s self-care agency to manage urinary incontinence: The impact of nursing agency and body experience.” Advances in Nursing Science, 30, 175-188.
*Fetters, M. D., Yoshioka, T., Greenberg, G. M., Gorenflo, D. W., & Yeo, S. (2007). Advanced consent in Japanese during prenatal care for epidural anesthesia during childbirth. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 1, 333-365.
*Yeo, S., Ronis, D., Antonakos, C., Roberts, K., & Hayashi, R. (2006). Need for population specific validation of a portable metabolic testing system: A case of sedentary pregnant women. Journal of Nursing Measurement, 13, 241-252.
Yeo, S., (2006). A randomized comparative trial of the efficacy and safety of exercise during pregnancy: Design & methods. Contemporary Clinical Trial, 27, 531-540.
Mori, E., Yeo, S., & Redman, R. W. (2005). “Revision of graduate school program guidelines: Examples from University of Michigan doctoral program.” Nursing Research (Japan), 38(4), 71-74.
Haruna, M., & Yeo, S. (2004). Role of nursing in promotion of Japanese expatriate women’s health in Michigan. The Japanese Journal for Midwives, 58(9), 60-64.
Fiore, T. & Yeo, S. (2001). Exercise during pregnancy: A clinical update. Journal of Female Patient, 26(6), 12-18.
Yeo, S. & Davidge, S. (2001). Possible beneficial effect of exercise, by reducing oxidative stress on the incidence of preeclampsia. Journal of Women’s Health & Gender Based Medicine, 10, 983-989.
*Yeo, S., Steele, N. M., Chang, M., Leclaire, S. M., Ronis, D. L., & Hayashi, R. (2000). Effect of exercise on the blood pressure among pregnant women with a high-risk for gestational hypertensive disorders. Journal of Reproductive Medicine, 45, 293-298.
Scisney-Matlock, M., Algase, D., Boehm, S., Coleman-Burns, P., Oakley, D., Rogers, A. E., Yeo, S., Yu, M. Y. (2000). Measuring behavior: Electronic devices in nursing studies. Applied Nursing Research, 13(2), 97-102.
*Larry, C. D., & Yeo, S. (2000). The circadian rhythm of blood pressure during pregnancy. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic and Neonatal Nursing, 29, 500-508.
*Yeo, S., Fetters, M., & Maeda, Y. (2000). Japanese couples’ childbirth experience in the United States: Implications for care. Birth: Issues in Perinatal Care, 27,191-198.
Kondo, Y. & Yeo, S. (1999). Study on community resources for childrearing, child care, and their support systems in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Journal of Child Research, 78, 56-67.
*Sampselle, C. M., Seng, J., Yeo, S., Killion, C., & Oakley, D. (1998). Physical activity and postpartum well-being. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing, 28(1), 41-49.
*MacKenzie, S. J., & Yeo, S. (1997). Pregnancy interruption using mifepristone (RU-486). A new choice for women in USA. Journal of Nurse-midwifery, 42(2), 86-90.
Yeo, S. (1997). Assessment of body composition in pregnancy and postpartum by skinfold thickness. Bulletin of Osaka Prefectural College of Nursing, 3(1) 27-35.
*Yeo, S., Shimcus, M., & Rossini, D. (1997). Thermoregulatory adjustment of pregnant women during moderate intensity exercise. European Journal of Thermology, 7(3), 119-126.
*Yeo, S., Wan, J., Hayashi, R., Rejman, E., Black, B., Eakin, B., & Rosenthal, A. (1996). Effect of gestational duration on metabolic response to arm exercise. Bulletin of Osaka Prefectural College of Nursing, 2(1), 1-8.
*Yeo, S., & Share, D. (1996). Lifestyle of inner city, low-income pregnant teenagers. Bulletin of Osaka Prefectural College of Nursing, 2(1), 9-17.
*Yeo, S., Johnson, T. R. B., Hayashi, R., Bromley, J., Vincent, D., Suehara, K., & Kitagawa, M. (1996). Population difference in baseline fetal heart rate, maternal body temperature and maternal heart rate: A study comparing pregnant women in Japan and the United States. Journal of Maternal Fetal Investigation, 6, 163-167.
*Yeo, S., & Scarbough, M. (1996). Exercise-induced hyperthermia may prevent accurate core temperature measurement by tympanic membrane thermometer. Journal of Nursing Measurement, 4, 143-151.
Yeo, S., & Sampselle, C. (1996). Fiscally responsible research equipment purchases: A cost-containment approach. Nursing Research, 45, 377-78.
*Yeo, S., Hayashi, R. H., Wan, J. Y., & Dubler, B. (1995). Tympanic versus rectal thermometry in pregnant women. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing, 24, 719-724.
*Yeo, S., Borer, K., Behrend, G., & Boone, E. (1995). Detrimental effect in dietary restriction on exercise-induced growth hormone during pregnancy. Medicine & Science in Sports Exercise, 27(5), s231-s231.
*Yeo, S. A., Mulholland P. M., Hirayama, M., & Breck S. (1994). High school students’ attitudes toward breast-feeding in Japan and the United States: A survey. International Journal of Human Lactation, 1(1), 25-30.
Yeo, S. A. (1994). Exercise guidelines for pregnant women. IMAGE; Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 26, 265-270.
*Kay, B. J., Share, D. A., Jones, K., Smith, M., Garcia, D., & Yeo, S. (1991). Process, costs and outcomes of community-based prenatal care for adolescents. Medical Care, 29, 531-542.
*Creason, N., Grybouski, J. A., Burgner, S., Yeo, S., & Richardson, B. C. (1989). Prompt voiding therapy for urinary incontinence in aged female nursing home residents. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 14, 120-126.
Doi, Y., & Yeo, S. A. (1989). The comparison of social status between registered nurses and schoolteachers in Japan. Bulletin of Osaka Prefectural College of Nursing, 11(1), 17-20.
Yeo, S. (1983). Study for passive immunity of low birth weight infants. Shusanki Igaki. Journal of Perinatal Medicine, 13(1), 121-129.
Yeo, S., & Hirayama, M. (1982). Counseling for the baby’s aversion against formula milk. Shusanki Igaku. Journal of Perinatal Medicine, 12, 977-979.
*Hashimoto, K., Yeo, S., Ando, K., Higurashi, M., & Hirayama, H. (1982). Prevalence of HI antibody against rubella, mumps and measles among medical and nursing students. Shouni Hoken Kenkyu. Pediatric Health Research, 41, 405-407.
Yeo, S., & Miyahara, S. (1981). Maternity and nutrition: the iron deficiency anemia. Shusan-ki Igaku. Journal of Perinatal Medicine, 11(9), 32-38.
*Yeo, S., Hirayama, M., Takagi, H., & Fujii, T. (1980). Longitudinal study of physical growth of low birth weight infants. Shusanki Igaku. Journal of Perinatal Medicine, 10, 619-626.
*Hashimoto, K., Yeo, S., Miyahara, S., Hirayama, M., & Odo, A. (1980). Study for women’s health in the Okinawa Islands. Bosei Eisei. Journal of Maternal Health, 20(4), 58-60.
Yeo, S., (2017). Asians and Pacific Islanders, and Global Health. Asian/Pacific Island Nursing Journal, 2(4): 174-175. DOI: 10.9741/23736658.1080
Yeo, S., & Kim, E., (2006). Need for more foreign educated nurses in faculty positions in the United States, Nursing Research.
Yeo, S. (2003). Effects of exercise and weight loss on hypertension. JAMA, 290, 886.
Yeo, S. (1995). From translation research to unique research. Journal of Japan Academy of Nursing Science, 15(4), 39-40.
Yeo, S., (2011). Preeclampsia and exercise study: In a symposium, “Randomized trials of lifestyle interventions for pregnant and postpartum women: impact on maternal/fetal outcomes.” The 32nd Annual, Meeting & Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 41(S1), s135.
Yeo, S., Shimcus, M., & Rossini, D. (1997). Thermoregulatory adjustment during pregnancy may protect fetus from exercise-induced hyperthermia. Medicine & Science in Sports Exercise, 29(5). 98
Avorgbedor, F., Silva, S.G., Yeo, S., Blumenthal, J.A., Merwin, E., & Holditch-Davis, D.. Chronic hypertension and maternal and infant outcomes: Analysis of North Carolina Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS) Data (under review). 3145 words.
McDonald, S.M., Yeo, S., Archer, E., Liu, J., Wilcox, S., Sui, X., Pate, R.R., “Associations between maternal physical activity and fitness during pregnancy and infant birthweight.” (under review)
Logan, J.G., Lee, M., Byon, H.D., & Yeo, S., “Effects of stretching exercise on central arterial stiffness.” Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine. (under review, 2017), 10 pages.
Caughey, M.C., Cho, J.S., Wu, Y.A., W. Nix, B., & Yeo, S., (2018). “Feasibility of Stretching Exercise for Prevention of Late-Onset Preeclampsia: A Pilot Trial.” The American Hear Association Epidemiology Conference. (The abstract will be published in Circulation)
Yeo, S., Walker, J.S, Caughey, M.C., Ferraro, A.M. & Asafu-adjei, J.K., (2017). “Characteristics of effective nutrition and physical activity interventions to reduce weight gain in obese or overweight pregnant women: A systematic review and meta-analysis”. Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science (CANS), October 4th, Washington DC.
Yeo, S., Haruna, M., Matsuzaki, M., & Ota, E. (2017). “Physical Activity during Pregnancy in Asia: A Symposium.” Asian American Pacific Islander Nurses Association 14th Annual Conference, March 25-26, Honolulu Hawaii.
Logan, J.G., Kim, S.S., Lee, M., Byon, H, & Yeo, S. (2017). Effect of Stretching Exercise on Arterial Stiffness. The American Heart Association; Epidemiology and Lifestyle Scientific Session. March 7, Portland, OR.
Yeo, S., Samuel-Hodge, C., Leeman, J., Henderson, M., & Asafu-Adjei, J.K., (September 2015). Assessing health department capacity to implement an evidence-based behavioral weight gain management intervention for pregnant women.” North Carolina Public Health Association, Fall Educational Conference, Winston-Salem, NC.
Yeo, S., & Logan, J. (August 2015). Stretching exercise for preventing preeclampsia. The 2nd Nordic Congress on Obesity in Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Middelfart, Denmark.
Yeo, S., Samuel-Hodge, C., Leeman, J., Henderson, M., Smith, R., & Asafu-Adjei, J.K. (September 2014). Integrating evidence-based behavioral weight management interventions (EBIs) in health departments to prevent excessive gestational weight gain. North Carolina Public Health Association, Fall Educational Conference, Wilmington, NC.
Okoro, F.O., & Yeo, S. (February 2014). Social support for the chronically ill caregiver. Southern Nursing Research Society, 28th Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX.
Yeo, S. (March 2013). Physical activity levels of low-income pregnant women: implication for clinicians. 34th Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions for the Society of Behavioral Medicine. San Francisco, CA.
Yeo, S., Shiraishi, M., Haruna, M., & Matsuzaki, M. (March 2013). Physical activity, diet, and depressive symptoms for women during reproductive ages: the first symposium for Asian women’s health research network of Japan. 10th Annual AAPINA National Conference. Honolulu, Hawaii.
Gehrig, P., Song, L., & Yeo, S. (March 2013). Self-report physical activity among gynecologic oncology patients in an outpatient setting: A pilot study, Annual Meeting on Women’s Cancer, Los Angeles, CA.
Im, E., & Yeo, S. (March 2012). Current research studies and future directions for research collaboration. Asian Woman’s Health Research Network (ASIA-WH) 9th Annual National Conference of Asian American Pacific Islander Nurse Association. Las Vegas, NV.
Yeo, S., Chasen-Taber, L., Lieferman, J., & Downs, D. (April 2011). Randomized trials of lifestyle interventions for pregnant and postpartum women: Impact on maternal/fetal outcomes–Symposia. 32nd Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine. Washington DC.
Yeo, S. (February 2011). The relationship between pre-pregnant weight status and depressive symptom during pregnancy in North Carolina. The 14th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars, Seoul, Korea.
Im, E.O., & Yeo, S. (February 2010). Unexpected challenges in developing Asian women’s health research network (ASIA-WH) in the U.S. The 2010 Southern Nursing Research Society Annual Conference, Austin, Texas.
Im, E.O., & Yeo, S. (November 2009). Asian women’s health research network (ASIA-WH) (Poster presentation). The 2009 American Academy of Nursing Annual Conference, Atlanta, Georgia.
Yeo, S. (May 2008). Walking versus stretching exercises to reduce the incidence of preeclampsia: A randomized clinical trial. American College of Sports Medicine 55th Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
Yeo, S. (December 2007). ABC of peer review: A workshop. Japan Academy of Nursing Science, 27th Annual Conference, Tokyo, Japan.
Yeo, S., & Ronis, D. (March &April 2006). Daily physical activity during pregnancy: natural cohort study. Midwest Nursing Research Society 30th Annual Research Conference, Milwaukee, WI.
Yeo, S., & Rafaeil, N. (April 2006). Prenatal depression is associated with poverty and leisure activities but not obesity or social support. International Congress on Physical Activity and Public Health, Atlanta, GA.
Noll, T., & Yeo, S. (April 2006). Preeclampsia: A cultural analysis of illness and high-risk pregnancy. The Society for the Anthropology of North America at Baruch College, New York, NY.
Yeo, S., & Keiffer, E. (April 2005). Incidence of preeclampsia among African-American and Hispanic women in a Detroit health system. Midwest Nursing Research Society 29th Annual Research Conference, Cincinnati, OH.
Haskins, E., & Yeo, S. (May 2005). Daily physical activity and plasma lipid concentrations in early pregnancy among women with history of preeclampsia. University of Michigan Department of Ob/Gyn, 20th Annual Abram Sager MD Lectureship, Ann Arbor, MI.
Haskins, E., & Yeo, S. (May 2005). Leisure time physical activity and plasma lipid concentrations in early pregnancy among women with history of preeclampsia. Annual Junior Fellow Research Day Michigan Section: American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Lansing, MI.
Yeo, S. (October 2005). Effect of gestation on daily physical activities and a walking intervention among sedentary pregnant women. Walking for Health: Measurement and Research Issues and Challenges Conference by American College of Sports Medicine and University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, IL.
Yeo, S. (March 2004). Health disparity and language barrier: needs for valid translation and interpretation of scales, Workshop. 17th Annual Pacific Nursing Research Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Yoshioka, T., Fetters, M., & Yeo, S. (February 2004). Health professionals and Japanese women’s birth experiences with advance consent for epidural anesthesia. 37th Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Annual Spring Conference, Toronto, Canada.
Kataoka, Y., & Yeo, S. (June 2004). Development of clinical guidelines for domestic violence victims in perinatal clinical settings. 3rd ICN INP/APN Network Conference, Groningen, Netherland.
Yeo, S. (March 2003). Health disparities in Asian/Pacific Islanders. 16th Annual Pacific Nursing Research Conference, Honolulu, HI.
Yeo, S., & Ronis, D. (March 2003). Validation of VO2000 portable metabolic measurement system with sedentary pregnant women. 27th Annual MNRS Research Conference, Grand Rapids, MI.
Yeo, S., & Ronis, D. (May 2003). Evaluation of a portable metabolic system with sedentary pregnant women. 50th Annual Meeting of American College of Sports Medicine, San Francisco, CA.
Stegman, N., Hayashi, R., & Yeo, S. (May 2002). Relationship between physical activity, oxidative stress, and preeclampsia. St. Joseph Mercy Health System Research Forum 2002, Ann Arbor, MI.
Stegman, N., Hayashi, R., & Yeo, S. (May 2002). Relationship between physical activity, oxidative stress, and preeclampsia. University of Michigan Department of Ob/Gyn, 17th Annual Abram Sager MD Lectureship, Ann Arbor, MI.
Stegman, N., Hayashi, R., & Yeo, S. (May 2002). Relationship between physical activity, oxidative stress, and preeclampsia. ACOG District V Annual Research Meeting, Ann Arbor, MI.
Yeo, S., & Fetters, M. (March 2001). Japanese couples’ childbirth experience in Michigan: Implications for care. The 25th MNRS Annual Research Midwest Nursing Research Society, Conference, Cleveland, OH.
Yeo, S. (March 2001). Formulating research/questions/developing specific aims. Michigan and San Antonio Collaborative Project, Ann Arbor, MI.
Yeo, S. (February 2001). History of nurse-midwifery in the United States. Osaka University School of Medicine, Department of Health Science, Suita, Japan.
Yeo, S., & Fetters, M. (February 2001). Japanese couples’ birthing experience in the United States. Japan Academy of Nursing Science Fourth International Nursing Research Conference, Women’s Health, Mie, Japan.
Yeo, S. (February 2001). Culturally sensitive research: a path to overcome health disparities in the United States. Japan Academy of Nursing Science Fourth International Nursing Research Conference, Mie, Japan.
Yeo, S. (March 2000). Post-partum depression: Will it be a life-long issue for women? Can exercise treat or prevent the disease? Pre-conference Workshop Affect, Brain & Cognition: Dimensions of Depression at Midwest Nursing Research Society 24th Annual Research Conference, Dearborn, MI.
Yeo, S. (March 2000). Effect of regular exercise on blood pressure among pregnant women. Midwest Nursing Research Society 24th Annual Research Conference, Dearborn, MI.
Yeo, S. (May 2000). Effect of exercise on blood pressure among pregnant women with a high-risk for gestational hypertension. American College of Sports Medicine 47th Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN.
Yeo, S. (May 2000). Effect of exercise on blood pressure among pregnant women with a high-risk for gestational hypertensive disorders. American Nurses Association 2000 Biennial Convention: Nurses Keeping the Care in Healthcare, Indianapolis, IN.
(* denotes international or national)
*Yeo, S. (July 2017). “Distance Learning: A Case Report” Faculty and Staff Development Seminar at St. Luke’s International Hospital, Tokyo, Japan.
Yeo, S., (April 2017). “Writing in the International English Language.” A Seminar in the School of Nursing PhD Course, “Writing for Publication” (Dr. Mary Palmer, the course instructor).
Yeo, S. (October 2016). “Health Promotion Intervention Interlude” American Academy of Nursing Annual Conference, Washington DC
Yeo, S. (October 2016). “Cross Cultural Care” 8th Annual Excellence in Maternity Care, UNC Center for Lifelong Learning, Chapel Hill, NC
Yeo, S. (August 2016). “How Do You Know What Nursing Does: Nursing as Umami.” Professorship Lecture at Ishikawa Prefectural Nursing University, Ishiwaka, Japan.
Yeo, S. (June 2016). “Overview of Doctor of Nursing Practice in the United States.” The Joint Session for Faculty-Staff Development. St. Luke’s International Hospital and St. Luke’s International University, Tokyo, Japan
Yeo, S. (January 2015). “Weight Management Counseling in School Settings: What You Need to Know.” 13th Annual School Nurse Conference, Fayetteville, NC.
*Yeo, S. (November 2014). “Knowledge Development in Nursing and Nursing Doctoral Education.” University of Kyoto, School of Nursing, Kyoto, Japan.
Yeo, S. (June 2014). “The Role of Nursing Scholar: Personal Perspective.” University of Washington, School of Nursing, Seattle, WA.
Yeo, S. (April 2014). “Exercise During Pregnancy: What We Know and What We Need to Know.” Michigan State University, College of Nursing, Lansing, MI.
Yeo, S. (June 2013). “Tomorrow Starts Today.” East Carolina University, College of Nursing, Greenville, NC.
*Yeo, S. (June 2012). “Doctoral Education in Nursing in Japan and United States: Past, Present and Future. How Can We Learn from Each Other?” International Research Seminar. Hyogo University of Health Science. Kobe, Japan.
*Yeo, S. (June 2012). “Group Prenatal Care: New or Old?” The Keynote Speech. Japan Maternity Nursing Annual Conference. Kobe, Japan.
*Yeo, S. (June 2012). “What is Knowledge in Nursing?” Special seminar sponsored by Neo Nursing Research Consortium. Gender and Health Research. Kinki Regional Conference and Osaka Medical School Nursing Research Center, Osaka, Japan.
*Yeo, S. (August 2010). “Culturally Competent Research Strategies – Adherence to Walking or Stretching, and Risk of Preeclampsia Among Sedentary Pregnant Women.” University of Hawaii at Manoa, School of Nursing & Dental Hygiene.
*Yeo, S. (July 2010). “Knowledge Development in Nursing.” Japan Nurses Association Publishing Seminar, Tokushima Prefecture, Japan.
*Yeo, S. (June 2008). “Look Who’s Eating for More than Two: Obesity in Pregnant Women. Health Issues and Concerns of Women of Color: The Obesity Crisis Conference.” Howard University, Washington D.C.
*Yeo, S. (December 2007). “Tertiary Nursing Care in Primary Care.” Japan Academy of Nursing Science, 27th Annual Conference, Tokyo, Japan.
*Yeo, S. (March 2007). “Career Options in Nursing Research.” National Coalition of Ethnic Minority Nurse Associations, 3rd Annual Conference: Creating Research Careers—Your Pathways to Success. San Antonio, TX.
*Yeo, S. (March 2007). Asian American Pacific Islander Nurses Association (Welcome Note), 4th Annual Conference: Bridging Inter-Generational Health Concerns. San Francisco, CA.
*Yeo, S. (May 2007). “Development, Trends and Challenges of Doctoral Education in Japan: Personal Reflections Between Two Worlds from the Viewpoint of Advancement of Nursing Knowledge.” International Network for Doctoral Education in Nursing, Tokyo, Japan.
*Yeo, S. (February 2006). “Randomized Controlled Trials, Design and Methods.” Center of Excellence, Chiba University, School of Nursing, Chiba, Japan.
*Yeo, S. (March 2006). “Regular Exercise among Pregnant Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial.” Life Science and Nursing Seminar. University of Osaka, Osaka, Japan.
*Yeo, S. (March 2005). “Words for Young Nursing Researchers: Overcoming Language Barriers.” National Coalition of Ethnic Minority Nurse Association 1st Annual Conference, Washington D.C.
*Yeo, S. (August 2005). Leadership Enhancement and Development (LEAD) Ethnic/Racial Symposium. W. K. Kellogg Foundation and American Nurses Foundation, Washington D.C.
Yeo, S. (November 2005). “On the Outside Looking in: Language Barriers and Access to Learning: Mentoring and Success as a Minority in Nursing.” University of North Carolina, School of Nursing, Ethnic Diversity Scholar Seminar, Chapel Hill, NC.
Yeo, S. (August 2004 & 2005). Research workshop for sports medicine fellows, American Medical Society for Sports Medicine, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
*Yeo, S. (August 2004). “Pregnant Women and Active Life.” Heritage Foundation Medical Research Seminar, University of Alberta, Edmonton.
*Yeo, S. (August 2004). The 32nd Annual Conference for Black Nurses Association, San Francisco.
*Yeo, S. (November 2004). “Clinical Trial for Physical Activity Among Pregnant Women.” Queen’s Medical Center, Honolulu, HI.
Yeo, S. (March 2004). Keynote Speaker – Reproductive health for Japanese school-age children in Detroit. Detroit Japanese School, Detroit, Michigan.
*Yeo, S. (October 2003). Discussant – Workshop for optimizing pregnancy outcomes in minority populations. Collaborative Multi-Disciplinary Biobehavioral Research. NICHD, NIH, Washington, D.C.
*Yeo, S. (November 2002). “Clinical Trials in Nursing.” Tokyo Medical Society Seminar, Tokyo, Japan.
Yeo, S. (June 2001). “How We Learn.” Greater Detroit Area Partnership for Training: Online Course Demonstration. Detroit, MI.
Yeo, S. (March 2001). “Birth and Mothering.” University of Michigan Third Annual Women of Color Symposium: Health and Activism, Ann Arbor, MI.
Yeo, S. (March 2001). Undergraduate Forum, “Providing Culturally Appropriate Care: A Mandate for Nurses.” University of Michigan School of Nursing and Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society, Ann Arbor, MI.
Yeo, S., & Stolldorf, D. (2009). Book Review for “Nurses on the Move” by Mireille Kingma. Japan Journal of Nursing Science, 6 (65-66).
Yeo, S., (2017). “The past, present and future of DNP in the United States: An overview.” Japanese Journal of Nursing Research [Kango Kenkyu], 50 (1), 12-17.
Yeo, S., (2016). “For Writing an English Paper (8): Publishing in English while Sensing in Japanese” Japanese Journal of Nursing Research [Kango Kenkyu], 49(7)
Yeo, S., (2016). “For Writing an English Paper (7): Essential of Peer Review” Japanese Journal of Nursing Research [Kango Kenkyu], 49 (6),530-534.
Yeo, S., (2016). “For Writing an English Paper (6): From being accepted to publishing.” Japanese Journal of Nursing Research [Kango Kenkyu], 49 (5), 428-436.
Yeo, S., (2016). “For Writing an English Paper (5): Writing discussion.” Japanese Journal of Nursing Research [Kango Kenkyu], 49 (4),344-352.
Yeo, S., (2016). “For Writing an English Paper (4): Writing an original article.” Japanese Journal of Nursing Research [Kango Kenkyu], 49 (2), 158-163.
Yeo, S., (2016). “For Writing an English Paper (3).” Japanese Journal of Nursing Research [Kango Kenkyu], 49 (1), 70-76.
Yeo, S., (2015). “Writing a paper for publication in English as a second language (2).” Japanese Journal of Nursing Research [Kango Kenkyu], 48 (7), 744-755.
Yeo, S., (2015). “Writing a paper for publication in English as a second language (1).” Japanese Journal of Nursing Research [Kango Kenkyu], 48 (6), 606-611.
Doi, Y., Yeo, S., Hibi, T., Fujita, A., Yokoyama, J., Hatamochi, J., and Minamimura, F., (2015). “End of life home care by an interdisciplinary hospice care team.” Community Care [Japanese],17(09), 60-68.
Yeo, S. (2013). [Group prenatal care: The history and future in the United States.] In Japanese. Journal of Perinatal Care, 32(5), 76-80.
Yeo, S., (2006). President’s Notes. Asian American Pacific Islander Nurses Association Newsletter.
Yeo, S., (2005). President’s Notes. Asian American Pacific Islander Nurses Association Newsletter.
Yeo, S. (2003). Role of nursing science in clinical randomized trials. New Medical World Weekly, 2520, 3.
Yeo, S. (2000, September 9-10). A need for paternity leave: A community effort. Japan News Club.
Yeo, S. (1999). Nurse clinic. New Medical World Weekly, 2344(2).
Yeo, S. (1999). The role of NINR (2). New Medical World Weekly, 2327(2).
Yeo, S. (1998). The role of NINR (1). New Medical World Weekly, 2318(12).
Yeo, S. (1998). East meets west. Or does it? Meaning of the third international nursing research conference and changes created by nursing in Japan. New Medical World Weekly, 2315(11).
Yeo, S. (1998). A physician who lived nursing: Memory of Dr. Cho (1). New Medical World Weekly, 2311(10).
Yeo, S. (1998). A physician who lived nursing: Memory of Dr. Cho (2). New Medical World Weekly, 2303(8).
Yeo, S. (1998). WIC, Its hidden mechanism to hinder breastfeeding in the United States. New Medical World Weekly, 2295(6).
Yeo, S. (1998). What it means to have a baby in a foreign country. New Medical World Weekly, 2287(6).
Yeo, S. (1998). Nurse practitioners and their scope of work. New Medical World Weekly, 2278(5).
Oakley, D., & Yeo, S. (1997). Nursing care for preventing unplanned pregnancy. Quality Nursing, 3(5).
Yeo, S. (1997). Effect of moderate level exercise on women’s health. Quality Nursing, 3(5).
Yeo, S. (1997). Tenure system and nursing science. New Medical World Weekly, 2265(5).
Yeo, S. (1996). The International Nursing Research Conference in Kobe: From culturally sensitive theories to sweet bean pastries. Sigma Theta Tau International Society of Nursing Rho Chapter Newsletter, Winter. Ann Arbor, MI.
Yeo, S. (1996). Exercise in pregnancy. Journal of Female Patient, 21(8), 61-77.
Yeo, S., Fetters, M. D., & Marcus, S. M. (1995). Early diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of postpartum depression. Japan News Club, December, pp 12-13.
Yeo, S. (1994). Mary Lindquist and her hospice care for the world. Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing Rho Chapter News Letter, Winter. Ann Arbor, MI.
Yeo, S. (1994). Spending a little time with an international graduate student may open a door for you. Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing Rho Chapter News Letter, Winter. Ann Arbor, MI.
Yeo, S., (1994). Nurses donate their expertise to the community. Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, Rho Chapter News Letter, Fall. Ann Arbor, MI.
Yeo, S., (1994). International students and domestic faculty. Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, Rho Chapter News Letter, Summer. Ann Arbor, MI.
Yeo, S. A. (1994, May 9). Breast-feeding important for health of babies. Ann Arbor News. Ann Arbor, MI.
Yeo, S. (1988). What is the nurse practitioner in the United States? Kango tembo. The Japanese Journal of Nursing Science, 13(13), 43-45.
Yeo, S. (1985). The health care systems in the United States: A nurse’s view. Kyoto Medical Journal, 1113,1-8.
February 2018, Interdisciplinary Communication in Health Science and Nursing. Human Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Graduate School Kyoto University. Symposium for Strategic Plan. Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan.
February 2018, Innovative Question Initiative of the National Institute of Nursing Research: Challenges in Nursing Science. Human Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Graduate School Kyoto University. Seminar for Lifestyle Illness Strategic. Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan.
July 2017, Open source learning management system: Sakai. Faculty and Staff Development Seminar, St. Luke’s International University, Tokyo, Japan.
March 2017, Physical Activity Advising during Pregnancy in Asia. Symposium with Haruna, M., Ota, E., and Matsuzaki, M. 14th Annual National Conference of Asian-American and Pacific Islander Nurse Association. Honolulu, HI.
August 2016, Asian Scholars’ Writing for Publication. Seminars for graduate students. Ishikawa Prefectural Nursing University, Kanazawa, Japan.
August 2008, Obesity in pregnant women: Ways to avoid physical inactivity. Seminar for doctoral students. University of Hawaii at Manoa School of Nursing and Dental Hygiene, Honolulu, HI.
November 2007, What is a feasibility study & how do I write one? University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, CIHDR/RSC seminar, Chapel Hill, NC.
September 2005, Invited participant – Genetics/Genomics Competency Meeting, American Nurses Association. Silver Spring.
June 2003, Seminar on multicultural health program at University of Michigan Health System.
June 2002, Culturally sensitive research: A path to overcome health disparities in the United States. University of Michigan School of Nursing, Office of Multicultural Affairs. MLK Symposium, Ann Arbor, MI.
March 2001, Health and activism. Center for the Education of Women, Third Annual Women of Color Symposium, University of Michigan.
(e.g., evaluative, governmental, and agency report) (*refereed)
Alford-Smith, D., Campinha-Bacote, J., Gonzalez, R., Leos, L., Pacquiao, D., Peragallo, N., Pope, C., Valenzuela, R., Yeo, S., & Zoucha, R. Think cultural health: Bridging the health care gap through cultural competency continuing education programs. United States Department of Health & Human Services, Office of Minority Health
Yeo, S., Fugenschuh, K. L., Kosch, M. A., Hamilton, E., De Pietro, L., Giordani, B. J., Keller-Cohen, K., and Martinez, S. H., (2004). Changing American life: Responding to the needs of faculty with children at the University of Michigan. Childcare Taskforce Report.
Longitudinal study of physical growth and passive immunity of low birth weight infants. 1982. University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Medicine. Tokyo.
Role | Title | Total Direct Amount (FTE if available) | Percent Effort | Agency | Dates |
Core Faculty | Institutional National Research Service Awards (T32NR007091) | 2007 – present | |||
Core Faculty | Institutional National Research Service Awards (T32NR00856) | 2008 – 2013 |
Funded (Active)
Role | Title | Total Direct Amount (FTE if available) | Percent Effort | Agency | Dates |
Principal Investigator | Stretching to improve cardiac health and prevent late-onset preeclampsia in high-risk pregnancy: SAGE (R01)
The purpose of the study is to test if daily stretching exercise will improve blood pressure and arterial stiffness, balancing autonomic regulation in reducing the risk of LOP, thus improving birth outcomes. |
Impact score 48
Percentile 52 |
NINR | Submitted in Oct, 2017 | |
Principal Investigator | Stretching against late-onset preeclampsia: SLOPE (R01) | Impact score 32
Percentile 26 |
NINR | Submitted in June, 2017 | |
Principal Investigator | Establishing Laboratory Visit Procedures with Pregnant Women at Risk for Preeclampsia for the SLOPE Intervention Trial | $5,000 | N.A. | UNC School of Nursing, SPARK | September 2017-2018 |
Principal Investigator | Rural Carolina, Globally Tackling Obesity in Pregnancy | $9,750 | N.A. | UNC Carolina Seminar Program | September
2017-2019 |
Principal Investigator | Integrating Weight-Wise Program in Health Departments to Prevent Gestational Diabetes | $35,064 | 3% | UNC Center for Diabetes Translation Research to Reduce Health Disparities. January 2015
(NIDDK: P30DK093002) |
December 2014 -2018 |
Consultant | To Enhance Breast Cancer Survivorship of Asian Americans,
The purpose of the proposed randomized intervention study is to test the efficacy of the technology-based information and coaching/support program for Asian American breast cancer survivors (TICAA) in enhancing the women’s breast cancer survivorship experience. |
$2.88 Million | N.A. | NIH/NCI, R01CA203719-01 | 2016-2021 |
Funded (Completed)
Role | Title | Total Direct Amount (FTE if available) | Percent Effort | Source and Type of Grant | Dates |
Co-Investigator | Individual Patient Data (IPD) meta-analysis on the effects of weight management interventions in pregnancy (iWIP) | N.A. | National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Health Technology Assessment (HTA) UK | 2013-2015 | |
Principal Investigator | Clinic-based Intervention to increase physical activity among gynecologic oncology patients: A pilot study | $14,432 | N.A. | NC Cancer Hospital Endowed Fund | 2012 |
Co-Investigator | Neuroendocrine pathophysiology in postpartum depression and lactation failure. (Stuebe and Meltzer-Brody, Co-PIs) | $50,000 | N.A. | NC Tracs Large Pilot Grant | 2009 |
Principal Investigator | A pilot study for the effect of prenatal stretching and autonomic response associate to preeclampsia: Protocol development for heart rate variability measure with sedentary obese pregnant women. | $3,799 | N.A. | University Research Council Grant | May 1, 2009-April 30, 2011 |
Principal Investigator | Effects of walking and stretching exercise on oxidative stress in women at risk for pre-eclampsia and pregnancy induced hypertenision: A pilot study. | $8,422 | N.A. | Faculty Research Opportunity Grant, School of Nursing, UNC | 2007-2008 |
Co-Investigator | Mothers moving to a healthy future/ Madres moviendose a un future saludable. (E.C. Kieffer, PI) | $449,507 | 10% | HRSA | 2006-2009 |
Co-Principal Investigator | Preclampsia: A cultural analysis of high-risk pregnancy, illness and physical activity. (T.Noll, PI) | $9,630 | N.A. | Office of Vice President for Research | 2006-2007 |
Investigator |
An ethnography of preeclampsia: A cultural analysis of high-risk pregnancy, disease, and physical activity. (T.Noll, PI) | $9,850 | N.A. | Institute for Research on Women and Gender | 2005-2005 |
Consultant | Mixed-method analysis of Japanese depression. (D.S. Arnault, PI) | $1,500,000 | N.A. | NIMH | 2005-2009 |
Co-Principal Investigator | The competence in care for aging in Asian American Pacific Islander nurses. | $13,000 | N.A. | American Nurses Association/The Atlantic Philanthropies,
Hartford Foundation |
2005-2007 |
Co-Investigator | Perspectives of Japanese men and women in cancer screening. (M. Jimbo, PI) | $4,000 | N.A. | University of Michigan, Center for Japanese Study | 2005-2006 |
Co-Investigator | Effects of health promotion program for mothers with infants: A randomized controlled trial. (M.Haruna, PI) | $455,917 | 8% | Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology | 2005-2007 |
Principal Investigator | GIFT Participation Program. | $10,000 | N.A. | NIH, Duke University | 2004-2005 |
Co-Investigator | Physical activity promotion materials for pregnant Latino and African-American women. (E.Kieffer, PI) | $10,000 | N.A. | NIH, NIDDK | 2003-2004 |
Co-Investigator | Promoting healthy lifestyles among women. (E.Kieffer, PI) | $2,402,335 | 10% | NIH, NIDDK | 2002-2007 |
Co-Investigator | Violence against women: Development and assessment for the guidelines. (S. Horiuchi, PI) | $151,615 | N.A. | Japan Ministry of Education Science Research Fund | 2002-2004 |
Principal Investigator | Nascent emotion: a scientific and artistic investigation of maternal-fetal affective transfer. | $16,425 | N.A. | Life Sciences, Values and Society, Program Grant in Office of Vice President for Research | 2002-2004 |
Principal Investigator | Regular exercise among women at risk for preeclampsia. | $10,942 | N.A. | Renovation Grant, Office of Vice President for Research | 2001 |
Principal Investigator | Regular exercise among women at risk for preeclampsia. | $1,771,760 | 30% | NIH R01 NR-5002 | 2001-2008 |
Principal Investigator | Dialectical database design for identifying cultural patterns between patience and care providers in Ottawa & Chippewa Indians Health Clinic | $8,000 | N.A. | Road Scholars Funds, University of Michigan | 2001 |
Co-Principal Investigator | Relationship among preeclampsia, physical activity, and oxidative stress | $25,000 | N.A. | St. Joseph Mercy Health System Research Funds | 2001 |
Co-Principal Investigator | Community health and welfare service for child-rearing support: A community assessment | $30,000 | N.A. | Japan Ministry of Health and Welfare | 1999 |
Co-Investigator | Assessing risks associated with obesity and abnormal glucose tolerance in pregnancy: Screening, treatment and outcomes among African-American women and infants in Detroit. (E.Keiffer, PI) | $47,182 | N.A. | Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Foundation | 1998-1999 |
Co-Investigator | Assessing prenatal care and pregnancy outcomes associated with obesity and diabetes among African-American mothers and infants in Southwest Detroit. (E.Kieffer, PI) | $23,950 | N.A. | Michigan Diabetes Research and Training Center | 1997-1998 |
Co-Investigator | Assessing prenatal care and pregnancy outcomes associated with obesity and diabetes in pregnancy among Hispanic mothers and infants in Southwest Detroit. (E. Kieffer, PI) | $20,000 | N.A. | The Office of the Vice President for Research | 1997-1998 |
Co-Principal Investigator | Japanese couples’ experiences with the birthing process in the United States. | $6,688 | N.A. | Center for Japanese Studies, University of Michigan | 1997-1998 |
Principal Investigator | Exercise and prevention of gestational hypertension: A pilot study | $24,418 | N.A. | Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Foundation | 1997-1998 |
Principal Investigator | Exercise and prevention of gestational hypertension: A feasibility study | $6,971 | N.A. | The Office of The Vice President for Research | 1997 |
Principal Investigator | Birth outcomes and characteristics of women who choose water birth. | $2,500 | Department of Family Medicine and Community Health, University of Miami | 1998 | |
Principal Investigator | Osaka-US Research Partnership | $100,000 | 20% | Osaka Prefectural College of Nursing | 1995-1998 |
Principal Investigator | Maternal-fetal hemodynamic response to exercise. | $219,187 | 80% | NINR, NIH (K07) | 1993-1996 |