Ways to Study
- On-Campus
With teaching methods that meld the best of both time-tested and innovative approaches; committed, caring faculty; rich opportunities for student research; and a curricular dedication to interprofessional education, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Nursing offers an undergraduate nursing program without peer.
Carolina Nursing’s ABSN program is a four-semester option for students who already have a bachelor’s degree in another subject and would like to obtain their nursing degree faster.
Apply Now | ABSN
Applications are now open!
September 17 – Application Deadline
All application materials must be submitted by the deadline!
Transcript Evaluation
Are you unsure if you have completed the prerequisites necessary to enter the BSN program? We’re happy to provide evaluation assistance.
What it Means to be a Carolina Nurse
From day one, the Carolina nurse is carefully trained to lead — applying the knowledge, skill and understanding gained at UNC to effectively advocate for the care, safety and well-being of the patient.
They are team-oriented, patient-centered professionals who are highly sought-after in whatever field of nursing they choose to pursue.
Careers in Nuring
- Registered nurse
- Hospital administration
- Nursing education
- Health care research
- Non-profit organizations
- Public health and policy
- Military and veterans affairs