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Carolina Nursing expands access with all MSN and DNP programs now online 

Jessica White named assistant dean for innovation in teaching and learning

Faculty and staff awarded Lenovo Instructional Innovation Grants

VR pilot program for nursing students yields real benefits

Virtual reality simulations bring real-world healthcare scenarios to the classroom

Collaborative Online International Learning courses connect nursing faculty and students with partners across the world

Suja Davis receives 2024 Tanner Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching

Carolina Nursing faculty leverages AI to enhance student learning

Carol Durham honored as SSH Director of the Year

UNC School of Nursing designated an Apple Distinguished School

3rd Annual International DNP Shark Tank

SON faculty and students unite to raise sepsis awareness

Innovations in N 302 meets clinical practice

Baker and Raphael-Grimm Elevate Nursing Education with AI-Driven Yoodli App

Meg Zomorodi honored as UNC Medical Center’s Clinical Faculty of the Year and inducted into the Order of the Golden Fleece

JoAn Stanek receives the Dr. Julie Byerley Award for Faculty Excellence in Interprofessional Education and Practice

Baker, Davis and Stone awarded Lenovo Instructional Innovation Grants

Lizzie Baldwin receives Tanner Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching by Graduate Teaching Assistants

Mobile nursing clinics serve N.C. communities: from The Well

Khairat recognized with AMIA Leadership Award

EmpowerEd brings iPads to nursing education at Carolina

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